Takashi Yamaguchi

Birthday:Apr 15
Height: 175cm Weight: 60kg Family: Father Mother and Older Brother Likes: Classical Music Dislikes: Roller Coasters Takashi has a more logical and bold character. He isnt afraid to show his emotions when need be and is often brave as seen when he decides to take up the role as the group leader. He seems to be confident in his own leading abilities yet isnt embarrassed to relinquish his position when need be. He has shown to be an exceptional leader and in reality was the first group to create a base intended to be for everyone. Takashi takes his role fairly seriously and thanks to his knowledge he can plan out effective working systems for everyone. He is often seen like Shirou Mariya to suggest more serious or deadlier plans whilst obtaining a higher chance of survival through the use of selfsacrifice for example. Even so he is still a kind and genuinely nice person considering he only took the position as leader to help the other people who couldnt or wouldnt within the group and often represents them.