Tsubasa Ibuki

Birthday:Jul 30
Blood Type:B
Hometown: Tokyo Height: 158 cm Tsubasa is a naturally talented and easygoing young girl that loves to do anything she views as fun. Tsubasa takes an interest in whatever is popular and tries to stay up to date with the latest trends. Her dream is to one day have the ideal happy life she imagines her role modelhttps://anilist.co/character/10366 has and believes this will be easier to reach if she becomes popular which is why she likes to spend time with Rio receiving guidance on how to become a popular lady like her. Tsubasa was even intrigued by the prospect of becoming an idol because of all the cute clothes they get to wear and because of how fun it looked. Tsubasa is also somewhat naive and has an innocent perception of the world especially on topics like love and hard work. Tsubasa also struggles putting her thoughts into words and will try to express herself via actions instead which tends to lead her into misunderstandings. Tsubasa also doesnt hide the fact that she isnt overly fond of hard work or things she thinks are difficult to understand which also gets her into trouble towards the start of her time as an idol. However as time progresses Tsubasa admits that she actually sees how working hard to reach a goal for both herself and for others can be fun and rewarding in its own way eventually.