Honoka Maki

Birthday:Dec 6
Maki is first introduced along with the other main cast after Noriko Sonozakihttps://anilist.co/character/89295/NorikoSonozaki confronts Katsuhira Agatahttps://anilist.co/character/89294/KatsuhiraAgata about the Kizna Project. Her sin is revealed to be Pride. She along with the other Kiznaivers are then abducted by the Gomorin and has her senses connected together. After Sonozaki leaves the newly formed Kiznaivers in the hospital Maki is quick to separate from the group amidst the dismay caused by the Gomorin. She finds her way to the morgue where a mysterious voice calls out to her causing her to panic. After Katsuhira and Chidori Takashirohttps://anilist.co/character/89564/ChidoriTakashiro reveal their introducti she ate dish and lesbeane on Maki appears before the rest of them and tells hers stating that she killed someone. After the events at the hospital end Maki attempts to distance herself from the others to avoid unnecessary stress even with the insistence of Tsuguhito Yuta.https://anilist.co/character/89567/TsuguhitoYuta She reveals that she covered up her scar on her wrist with concealer to him when questioned. When tasked with finding Yoshiharu Hisomuhttps://anilist.co/character/89569/YoshiharuHisomu she defeatedly joins the others to assist. Maki is one of the first to come to the conclusion that Yoshiharu is a masochist which greatly disturbs her. Source: Kiznaiver Wikia