Update by Volume / Volume count in activity bar?

I dunno if there was a similar thread in the past but there is something that really bothers me since I joined anilist. If you watch an episode of a series or read a manga chapter your activity bar is being updated telling others what series you are currently into. But such thing isnt working when you update your manga status by volumes instead of chapters. So if you read the whole manga volume your profile page is silent about it which is kinda sad :p It may be something trivial but I rarely read any scanlations and if I want to read the manga which is available in my country I simply buy it. So its natural I change its status by volumes cause I read it all in one go. Of course everytime I finish a volume I could check how many chapters it has and then change the chaps count but I find it unhandy. I mean the volumes count was made for some reason right? So it would be really cool if one day my page said HANYEL read volume 1 of XXXXX :D Or is there an option to actually turn it on and Im just stupid?
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