413/524 Errors while Importing list from MAL

Am very aware that my MAL is not a typical list but have been having this issue for over a year now so thought might as well make an issue for it. My MAL is herehttps://myanimelist.net/profile/purplepinapples Initially this would fail with a 413 Request Entity Too Large error which I gather is because the graphql query just inlines the XML text into the POST body and since my list is 17M large I assume this is failing because that is over the POST body limit? https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/285547286363242497/843732349388062750/unknown.png?width=578height=624 du animelist16212317184837235.xml 17M animelist16212317184837235.xml Wrote some python to clean it up to only the necessary attributes according to this threadhttps://anilist.co/forum/thread/3291: https://gist.github.com/seanbreckenridge/9a5532561bfe24268c368366e5360cfe Which then makes it fail with a timeout: https://camo.githubusercontent.com/dfa25280d88990f01b3b9665d2f82f2c0daad4c9327c0f7f845761556b33f706/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f345a4e365045462e706e67 For reference: Raw List XMLhttps://sean.fish/p/animelist16212317184837235.xml Fixed List XMLhttps://sean.fish/p/fixed.xml I could probably do it in chunks but Im not sure how that would work do I still tick the overwrite anime already on my list each time? Would that only keep the most recent changes? In any case that seems like an annoying work around to have to have to do every time though not sure what the alternative is...
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