Crossword Event [Closed]

100 Heyo Its your favorite events team back at it again This time we bring you something you havent seen on AniList before but by no means is uncommon in our lives... air I mean crosswords Yes folks you have a chance to fill out these amazing crosswords using your animanga knowledge which you have cultivated over the years. But wait theres more... The event will be 7 days long and there are 3 varying levels of difficulty for the crosswords i.e easy medium and hard. You can get yourself one crossword per day while the event lasts but you cannot have more than three pending puzzles so make sure to get cracking. To Participate: Reply to this thread with crossword puzzle difficulty that youd like to opt for. The difficulty levels are: Easy / Medium / Hard. You will need to use the special code CROSSWORD EASY for an easy crossword CROSSWORD MEDIUM for a medium crossword or alternatively CROSSWORD HARD for a hard crossword somewhere in your post. A bot will shortly confirm your choice and you will be handed a crossword of your chosen difficulty as a private DM on your profile. Each crossword has a wordbank which you may find above the crossword itself. You may use this word bank to help you determine the final answer. Do make sure to input the answer as shown in the word banks except for any spaces and special characters. Once you have solved the crossword reply to the profile DM with a screenshot of the solved crossword AND also reply to the thread comment indicating that you have solved it. DO NOT post the solved crossword on the thread comment. You may request no more than one crossword per day UTC timezone. You may have no more than three pending crosswords at any one time. If youd like to get your hands on a new crossword finish one of the pending crosswords that youve been handed and submit it so that we may validate it. Once confirmed youll be able to request one more crossword. There are a total of 2 easy crosswords 4 medium crosswords and another 3 hard crosswords from which you can pick any seven maximum once per day. You may not request more puzzles of the same difficulty than there are available. Do not delete or edit your comments on this thread once youve been assigned a crossword. You will still be bound to the same rules anyway. The hard crosswords introduce new dynamics that are not commonly found in crosswords and are not for the faint of heart. You have been warned The event officially ends on the 18th of July at 23:59 however late submissions will be accepted until the 19th of July 23:59 UTC. During this phase you may not request any new crosswords. What would you get for your troubles you might be asking? A badge of course Solve at least one crossword and the badge is yours. Did we say theres more? Each crossword has a predetermined number of points which will be rewarded to you once you accurately solve it and once weve reviewed it. At the end of the event you may exchange your accumulated points to upgrade your participation badge to a better one. You may be able to upgrade your badge to either The Noob Rookie or Expert Badge. Here below are how many points you may earn per crossword and how many you need to upgrade your badge. Easy Crossword: 2 points per crossword Medium Crossword: 4 points per crossword Hard Crossword: 7 points per crossword To upgrade your badge you need either one of the following amount of points Noob Badge: 4 points you are automatically eligible for this badge if you solve one medium or hard crossword or two easy ones Rookie Badge: +9 points a total of 13 points Expert Badge: +12 points a total of 25 points Good luck to everyone and as always if you have any questions dont hesitate to ask As a friendly reminder Make sure to follow KusogakiEvents and subscribe to this forum thread to get instant updates when an event drops. If you have any suggestions youd like to see done in future events please send your ideas to our suggestion thread
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