Ookami no Densetsu
The story follows “Wandering Wolf”, it puts two men under the same awning as they wait for a storm to pass. They meet as strangers, only for the younger of the pair—a criminal on the run—to realize that the other one is “Kamikaze Sabu,” a brawler he admired in his youth.
(Source: The Comics Journal)
Note: the first chapter was published in the June 1976 issue of Yagyo. The second chapter was published in the September 1976 issue of Garo.
The story follows “Wandering Wolf”, it puts two men under the same awning as they wait for a storm to pass. They meet as strangers, only for the younger of the pair—a criminal on the run—to realize that the other one is “Kamikaze Sabu,” a brawler he admired in his youth.
(Source: The Comics Journal)
Note: the first chapter was published in the June 1976 issue of Yagyo. The second chapter was published in the September 1976 issue of Garo.