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Saki Yano, a freelance designer, was hit on by a college student with dazzling red hair named Yu. Saki agrees to date at a smutty movie theater to tease him. His face blushing beet red, Yu invited Saki to do something "afterwards," and Saki ended up lashing out at him with his lustful and somewhat sadistic feelings towards him. The next morning, Yu left behind a note written in beautiful handwriting, and Saki saw him off. Though it seemed to be a one-night stand, in reality they have a much deeper connection...?

(Source: Renta!)

Note: Chapter count includes an extra.


Saki Yano, a freelance designer, was hit on by a college student with dazzling red hair named Yu. Saki agrees to date at a smutty movie theater to tease him. His face blushing beet red, Yu invited Saki to do something "afterwards," and Saki ended up lashing out at him with his lustful and somewhat sadistic feelings towards him. The next morning, Yu left behind a note written in beautiful handwriting, and Saki saw him off. Though it seemed to be a one-night stand, in reality they have a much deeper connection...?

(Source: Renta!)

Note: Chapter count includes an extra.


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