Shikabane Shoujo to Ai ga Omoi Seikishi no Toubatsu Gakuen Life
In a world where humans and fantastical creatures coexist. Shurika, a zombie, enters a boarding school where students learn to battle the "kyoujuu," monsters that threaten all races. There, for three years, the students live in pairs with members of another race. Shurika is paired with Marie, a human paladin with whom she has a certain affinity. But for some reason, Marie's affection for her is strangely overbearing...?
(Source: Yuri-Hime, translated)
In a world where humans and fantastical creatures coexist. Shurika, a zombie, enters a boarding school where students learn to battle the "kyoujuu," monsters that threaten all races. There, for three years, the students live in pairs with members of another race. Shurika is paired with Marie, a human paladin with whom she has a certain affinity. But for some reason, Marie's affection for her is strangely overbearing...?
(Source: Yuri-Hime, translated)