Mugen Shinshi: Manga Shounen Ban
This is the first iteration of the Mugen Shinshi franchise serialized in the magazine Manga Shounen. The first compiled volume contained a brand new picture story.
Mugen Shinshi follows the boy detective clad in black, Mamiya Mugen, through his many mysterious encounters out in the world.
1. Yuukitou no Kaijin (Picture story) (遊鬼塔の怪人(絵物語))
2. Kao Dorobou (顔泥棒)
3. Tsukaima no Tsubo (使い魔の壷)
4. Aokuchinawa Fujin (青蛇婦人)
5. Mugen Shoujo (夢幻少女)
6. Kakashi Tei (案山子亭)
7. Ariko no Kan (亜里子の館)
Note: In 2007, volume 1 of Shinsouban Mugen Gaiden clarified the different versions of the story and iterations of the protagonist, ...
This is the first iteration of the Mugen Shinshi franchise serialized in the magazine Manga Shounen. The first compiled volume contained a brand new picture story.
Mugen Shinshi follows the boy detective clad in black, Mamiya Mugen, through his many mysterious encounters out in the world.
1. Yuukitou no Kaijin (Picture story) (遊鬼塔の怪人(絵物語))
2. Kao Dorobou (顔泥棒)
3. Tsukaima no Tsubo (使い魔の壷)
4. Aokuchinawa Fujin (青蛇婦人)
5. Mugen Shoujo (夢幻少女)
6. Kakashi Tei (案山子亭)
7. Ariko no Kan (亜里子の館)
Note: In 2007, volume 1 of Shinsouban Mugen Gaiden clarified the different versions of the story and iterations of the protagonist, Mamiya Mugen. This series was designated "Shounen tantei A version."