Kokoro Himeru no Zen Himitsu
Tsugumu Ichimonji, a world-renowned high school bodyguard, transfers to a Japanese high school to secretly guard Himeru Kokoro, the daughter of a wealthy man. One day, he follows her to the rooftop, only to witnesses her surrounded by flames with a huge ◯◯◯◯ (it's a secret)!
"Don't worry… I'm a fireproof!"
Her secret will open the door to an extraordinary world!
(Source: Weekly Shonen Sunday, translated)
Tsugumu Ichimonji, a world-renowned high school bodyguard, transfers to a Japanese high school to secretly guard Himeru Kokoro, the daughter of a wealthy man. One day, he follows her to the rooftop, only to witnesses her surrounded by flames with a huge ◯◯◯◯ (it's a secret)!
"Don't worry… I'm a fireproof!"
Her secret will open the door to an extraordinary world!
(Source: Weekly Shonen Sunday, translated)