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The manga is centered around the three hecklers, Kyotaro, the son of a Shinto priest, Takahito, the son of a Buddhist priest, and Takumi, the son of a pastor. The days in the lives of priests are filled with joy, anger, sorrow. It's not as easy as people think it is to survive in the religious world. The days in the lives of the 3 young priests are full of worries revolving around not being able to be popular among worshipers to the temples and the pressure of being the heir to a temple or a shrine and performing religious rituals that leave no room for mistakes or failure. Each day is another worrying day in the lives of the protagonists.


The manga is centered around the three hecklers, Kyotaro, the son of a Shinto priest, Takahito, the son of a Buddhist priest, and Takumi, the son of a pastor. The days in the lives of priests are filled with joy, anger, sorrow. It's not as easy as people think it is to survive in the religious world. The days in the lives of the 3 young priests are full of worries revolving around not being able to be popular among worshipers to the temples and the pressure of being the heir to a temple or a shrine and performing religious rituals that leave no room for mistakes or failure. Each day is another worrying day in the lives of the protagonists.

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