In the beginning God created Heaven and Earth followed by light waters and land. Then he created the many animals that would inhabit it or... that was the plan. It became too tedious so he outsourced it. The basic backstory of the show is that God after creating the world has outsourced the creation of creatures of the world to Heavens Design Team. The show is broken up into halves during the episode usually having one small story per half. Every small story usually revolves around a specific animal or group of animals being designed. There is no overarching plot to this show but it is a very nichijou style story. The main selling point of the Anime is its storytelling ability to show why creatures have adapted to their current looks. For example have you ever wondered why a pegasus or unicorn would never survive? The show does an excellent job of explaining it in a comedic way that had me laughing the entire way through. The length of the show is 12 episodes which I feel makes it short and sweet. Any longer and it would just get repetitive. Though I wouldnt complain if a second season came out in the future. The characters are pretty diverse as the myriad of personalities makes the show more enjoyable to watch. The main character Shimoda is a new hire of the Design Team and mostly supports the team through office work and relaying messages to God their main client. The Designers are categorized mainly by the type of creature they work on. For example Kanamori works on beautiful creatures Kimura works on tasty creatures and Meido works on cute mostly poisonous creatures. The designers often butt heads but that tends to work in their favor as many creatures are created as a result. The animation is pretty lackluster as the show does not call for overly flashy scenes of intense action sequences. However the art style I feel fits the show very well and the use of colors makes the characters individual personalities really pop. The opening soundtrack is one of my favorites as its so catchy. Even if you dont end up watching this show just give it a listen. The ending soundtrack is less catchy but fits the bill as it is sung by the cast. This show sports a great cast that really brings the characters to life. Junichi Suwabe the voice of Mizushima voices Aizawa from Boku no Hero Academia. Junya Enoki the voice of Shimoda also voices Sekkekkyuu AA2153 the main character of Cells at Work CODE BLACK. Should you watch the show? If youre looking for a casual and funny anime then this show is right up your alley. There is no action or plot so if youre looking for those things you wont find them in this show. I personally recommend this show as its easy to watch and enjoy.
85 /100
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