Everything about Uma Musume Season 2 is surprising. The fact it even exists that Tokai Teio is the protagonist and just how incredible it all is. I enjoy season 1 but for the most part it lacked focus and a strong narrative or characters outside of Silence Suzuka. S2 however has an amazing cast with a very strong core identity and theme. So I just wanna take some time to really talk about why this show shocked me and why I ended up loving it as much as I do. Major spoilers included. The biggest reason I love this season so much is Teio. She is a very charismatic strong willed girl and just a lot of fun as a protagonist. Seeing her at her peak performance and genuinely believing she would reach her goals made it hit so much harder when she ended up getting injured. Of course she would always get back up and be back to her peak before very long. Sometimes even better than she was before her injury but that cant always be the case right? At some point she would fracture her leg too many times to keep running right? The third fracture is incredibly heart breaking. Seeing Teios determination and charismatic personality slowly break and her giving in and accepting that she will never be able to run the same way is genuinely the most painful thing in the series. Her fans and others telling her we used to root for you and similar things really just hit it all home. Teio was done. She found courage to continue despite this thanks to her friends and trainer. She pushed forward. In large part thanks to McQueen. Its a beautiful moment when she finds that courage and decides to push forward and try to create her own miracle. Of course this only makes it more painful when McQueen herself gets injured and cant run anymore. Teio swapping roles for her. Giving her the encouragement to continue and something to work towards. As a rival and a friend. Both of these girls are absolutely amazing and their relationship is the strongest in the series. The second reason is Rice Shower. Rice Shower has probably my favorite two episodes in the show and a very heavy theme. These two episodes tackle a lot of things but mainly I want to focus on the nature of competition. In her races she beats Bourbon and McQueen and steals their triple crown wins. By doing so she is booed and told she is a disappointment by the audience. The fact that fans only want their favorite to win and see certain accomplishments despite Rice making a new record in her race against McQueen everyone is still disappointed that she won. Shes a heel. Her only fan is Bourbon herself and she gives her the push she needs to continue racing despite how hated she is. Saying that if she keeps winning she will live up to her name Rice Shower and gain fans of her own. Rice has a very heavy story and theme in that despite how hard she tries and how much it hurts her she pushes forward. I dont think Uma Musume comes to an exact answer to this. I feel thats the point. Of the entire show really. That no matter what hurdles are thrown at you you just have to push through them. Keep going with all youve got and you will make a miracle happen. Youll find your happiness and your place. All of that among other things I didnt get into are why this season is so completely surprising to me. I absolutely loved everything it brought to the table and its easily my favorite sports anime and in my top 10 over all. The themes and characters mean a lot to me now and Im thankful I was able to experience the series. If season 3 comes around I hope to see it focus on another character and have a similarly strong focus and theme.
100 /100
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