Photo Kano originally a visual novel which was released in November 2011 and other volumes which were released up until October 2013. During that time in April 2013 the studio MADHOUSE started the release of the anime with the last episode coming out in June of the same year. Please note I have not read the manga so I do not know if anything that I am saying is dotted on in the manga so I may be wrong and I do apologize. The main story of the show can be hard to follow if you dont completely understand on your first watch. The main connector of the story is about Kazuya Maeda and how he got his dads old camera handed down to him. With his camera he meets new friends and gets interested in taking portraits of others. For some explanation after each episode past episode 4 he either goes back in time or to an alternate universe then in the next episode its as if the last episode never happened. When trying to make a romance anime I think that the introduction of the characters is crucial in how they develop together. Photo Kano introduced the characters nicely using most of the first 4 episodes to do so. After which each girl got 1 episode except for Haruka Niimi who had 2 to develop their character and have a romance with Kazuya Maeda. I think with each girl only getting 1 episode made things feel rushed. When I started watching this I was expecting a similar experience to that of Amagami SS or Seiren but it didnt feel that way. Things felt like they had to be moving along as fast as they could with what normally would take at least 34 episodes only taking half of their episode. The saving grace of this was that in the beginning when they are introduced they have time to get introduced to the main character and start from there but I dont think that this was enough. In my opinion the best character had to have been Hikari Sanehara a kuudere who once she gets to know Kazuya Maeda starts to change in a way that you can connect with. Each character had their own respective development and some were definitely better than others. Not everyone starts off by liking the other but after spending 15 minutes of our time they have become totally in love with one another and once again it makes it feel rushed. I feel like this is not a bad watch but it is not a great watch either. I think that if each girl got at least one more episode it would have allowed for greater character development and being able to connect with their romance more. That said after you watch this I highly recommend Amagami SS. It was wonderful in comparison but if you enjoy Amagami SS this may be a watch for you. If you arent an avid anime watcher this might not be a terrible watch either the episodes past 4 dont have many intertwining elements so you could pop on an episode and go back to working after that.
60 /100
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