SPOILERS Spoilers in the dungeon... Thought you should know. Incredibly Lame FollowUp Season. This is basically just another romcom polygon manga/anime that ran too long and ended the same as every single other one in the genre seems to. Early on tons of comedy tons of fun then the mangaka gets the idea that the story has to have some sort of great drama to it and decides comedy has no place here anymore much like when Love Hina just kept going and going and going or Maidsama which granted not really a polygon completely lost the spirit it began with. Im all for a manga/anime growing as it goes but when it comes to Honey and Clover I didnt particularly care for the direction it took. More than one polygon in a series is too much unless youre going to go 50+ episodes. As a result a lot of time given to the comic relief characters backstory was a huge drain for me in this season 2. Thats right I dont care about Morita and his brothers history together. Some people will be interested sure. But after watching season 1 that isnt a character I give any extra thought to except sometimes hoping hed show up in a scene because hes so damn funny. Takemoto gets tucked in the backseat big time in what I felt was his own story based on season 1 which I also found disappointing. Im torn because I like Takemoto and want him to be happy but also were still stuck spending so much time with Yamada and her unrequited affection which is actually a plotline I think deserved a resolution. It did not get resolved not entirely. Typical anime adaptation style ending for all the characters really with a maybe itll happen for them fade out during the final episode credits. Maybe theres more to this in the manga but there cant be too much more so Im not going to bother. Heres the biggest spoilery part Im going to get into and spoilers for Bunny Drop too if you dont want to be spoiled for that: Hagu and Hanamotosensei are together? Sorta. Gross. The whole anime builds them up as a father/daughter dynamic and then the penultimate episode comes along and Morita yells Do you wanna bang her? And Sensei is all like Oh yeah like big time I wanna bang her and everyone hears it on campus and is just like how nice this 30 or 40 something that has treated this girl like his own ward would now like to bang said ward who still looks to be about 12 btw. I really wish the anime had stopped at season 1 specifically so this element wouldnt make it in. Thats why Bunny Drops anime is one of my favorite and I consider the continuation in the manga to be something that deserves nothing more than to be forgotten in the pits of hell. Bunny Drop has a very similar plotline in the sense of daughterlikefigure and fatherlikefigure having relations of a sexual nature come into play and come on who was asking for that? TakemotoMoritaHagu were a perfectly fine love triangle that had a 4th vertex come into play completely out of nowhere as far as Im concerned. Literally took me from 8/10 to 6/10 in just the two final episodes. Also more of a minor complaint but this was 12 episodes with an inexplicable recap for episode 1? Lame. All around lame lame lame
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