I finished reading this manhwa just the other day and I feel compelled to offer my thoughts on it. However unsolicited my own perspective upon this work may be I will nevertheless continue to divulge upon this work in the hopes that it might appeal to other people who happen to give what I write the time of day. If what I write here encourages merely one person to read Summertime for Blossom if it only helps one person see something about this webtoon in a different perspective then I will take it that I have accomplished what I have set out to accomplish. I honestly feel that Springtime for Blossom is worthy of that much.
Though I have not really looked into the details surrounding it that much I am aware that there are some distinct differences between the original and English versions of this webtoon. One of if not the most blatant differences between the two releases is in the heroines the titular female MC. Judging from the thumbnail on AniList alone one comes to the conclusion that she is a brunette a dark haired beauty. In the English version though her hair is blonde. Not sure how relevant this discrepancy is but it is one of the first things that caught my attention when I started reading this. Given the fact that I noticed the manhwas listing before actually reading it I unironically felt that somewhere along the way that Blossoms hair color would change. Let it be known to anyone under this impression that it is not the case at all.
200https://s4.anilist.co/file/anilistcdn/media/manga/cover/medium/b112265CDdStiu9ZXLQ.jpg 196https://www.animeplanet.com/images/manga/covers/39225.jpg?t=1560819991
In addition to this aforementioned discrepancy there are other differences as well. Though I would say that these differences are nothing that falls within the realms of the unexpected. Having some creative/contextual variations is not exactly uncommon when it comes to discerning ones own target audience. Forms of media and entertainment do not always translate well across different cultures especially without some form of altercations. Id say this is undeniably the reason for such differences that are found within the chapters of Springtime for Blossom and . In no way shape or form do they detract from the story. There is no lack of impact as a result of these minuscule differences between the original and English release.
Despite how shortlived this manhwa is/was it has the potential to leave a longlasting effect upon its audience. Like with any type of consumable media there it is almost a necessity for those who consume it to possess some sort of fondness for the type/genre that it represents. What I mean to say is that Springtime for Blossom will be enjoyed by those who enjoy the manhwas categorical imperative. One would be right in asking what type of manhwa is Springtime for Blossom? I could take the easy way out and just say that this is just another romcom but that wouldnt really be fair. To me this story stands out from the stereotypical mold this is in thanks to the actions drives and motivation of the ensemble cast of characters.
This webtoon opens up in a way that is not so special. If there is a protagonist for this story it would be Matthew. Granted that this is the case I standby the fact that there is a bit of an ensemble dynamic when it comes to the characters involved within this story namely Matthew Blossom and Sam. Matthew is the stereotypical nerdy high school kid through the first arc of the manhwa the reader follows him throughout the storys exposition. When the reader is first introduced to Matthew he is seen in a predictableish whimsical mood as he fantasizes about having a girlfriend. He gets down on himself recognizing how the girls around him treat him in comparison to the rest of his peers. This is the state of being this MC finds himself in prior to a unanticipated happening which is the catalyst for the entire story.
Not long after some of his borderline fits of selfpity Matthew is approached by one of if not the most beautiful girls in school. She asks if he lives alone which he does due to his parents living out of town in Seoul for work. Matthew blushing tells her that he does indeed live alone. Out of nowhere Blossom bluntly asks if she can stay at his place for the night. Knowing that he would be an idiot to pass up this opportunity he tells her yes. This interaction and the result of it is the planting and fermenting of a seed that blooms and becomes the source of conflict within this entire manhwa.
What made this story so good for me is the believability of the characters decisions. There is no shortage of melodrama in it but there are legitimately accurate depictions of how people respond to the daily quarrels we experience within the mundane realm of everyday life. The way that Matthew handles different obstacles ones that arise due to his befriending Blossom is probably one of the better ways to go about handling them. Though he is a teenager driven by particular hormones he makes calculated decisions that are the result of both his upbringing and his natural genuine kindness. This pours over and is reflected in the way that other characters deal with him throughout the story.
Athletic handsome strong etc. whatever is considered the works and/or everything that is the opposite of Matthew thats what Sam is. The character of Samhttps://anilist.co/character/206424/SeoJunKang is a dynamic force within this story. He is one of those guys that everyone loves and is naturally drawn to yet he walks to the beat of his own drum. Sam is not someone who tends to seek the approval of others yet he nevertheless finds it regardless of where he goes and whatever he does. His existence within the narrative makes it all tighter overall. His relevance cannot be overstated as he appears in basically every highertension scene. Considering his background this makes perfect sense. As the readers progress through the story his history as Matthews best friend becomes all the more relevant as the concern for Matthew and Blossom later on become one of the most important components of the story. This is a genuine portrayal of the feelings that pervade one during adolescence while also showing the difficulties of navigating them.
The art may not be something to call home about but it has a particular piquant quality about it. My fondness for it developed and grew over the course of reading these 34 chapters. If one isnt used to reading webtoons then it may be something that will take some time to get used to. I know that this was the case for me but that feeling subsided after the first few chapters or so. This is something to keep in mind for anyone that tends to be anal about the art in regards to whatever it is that they read.
I am not going to claim that this Springtime for Blossom is somehow unique at least on the surface level. There are plenty of similar works out there that I could stumble upon and even encounter a similar level of satisfaction as a result of reading it. Granted I feel that this is worth being recognized because it really just does what it does very well. Yes it may not be unique in terms of the subjects that it deals with but it combines its typical drama and romcom elements in an almost ideal blended way that demonstrates a talent for compelling storytelling.
What I love about this manhwa is that it never ever tries to be something that it is not. Like Blossom Matthew and Sam Springtime for Blossom is a work that knows what it is or at least has an idea of who/what it wants to be and simply never compromises. Regardless of outside opinion it stays true to itself up until the very end. In the same vein it does not try to extend beyond that which it can manage judging by its timely ending.
A perfect blend of feelgood butterflies and handclenching tension. This was so easy for me to pick up and not stop reading. I highly recommend this to anyone who has a soft spot for romance and also anyone whod like to check out something that will at least stand out somewhat in one way or another.
Good stuff.