HIMEGOTO art? TLDR: Yes Himegoto is art and if you have not watched it then you are wasting your life. Alright now that we have the TLDR lets get into the real themes of this show. It may not seem like it but this show is filled to the brim with philosophy that the likes of Aristotle and Plato couldnt even imagine. Lets introduce our main character Hime Arikawa. 220https://i.ur.com/AMbXPpq.png Hime Arikawa has a penis which is pretty badass let me explain: This man has broken gender roles and reformed Western Society as a whole and he has done so by accident in an attempt to pay back the debt he owed but now the ones that are in debt are us to Hime forever. EPISODE BY EPISODE WHAT MAKES HIMEGOTO SO GREAT?: EPISODE 1: The first episode features Hime Arikawa being attacked by debt collectors. It is explained the Hime has bad parents who took loans out in his name thus debt collectors pursue him. At the time he was wearing womens clothes which is why the Shimoshina High School Student Council. Then we get introduced to the sigma females that run this show: 18kin Unko and Albertina II. They proceed to beat the fuck out of the loan sharks and tsSell Hime that he has to join the student council thinking that he is a pretty woman. The tone of the show shifts greatly here when they figure out that he is actually a male. 18kin says We the student council will shoulder that debt for you. But in return you will spend the rest of your high school life dressed as a girl. Youll be the student councils dog They then take Hime onto a stage in front of the entire school and display his genitals for all in the crowd to see. This episode is the perfect first episode. If every anime started like this there would be no such thing as a bad anime. This anime has helped me find salvation and come to terms with the fact that we are all going to eventually die. Hear me out never have i ever wanted to fuck a anime male more and this is my reasoning why. Hime is so fucking sexy so much so that I started a cult to honor him and it only took this episode for me to decide to do so. After this episode I knew that I was going to have to dedicate the rest of my life to this show which is why I am writing this review in the first place. I LOVE HIME ARIKAWA even though they dont fall into the typical gender norms as a result of their circumstances.. This first episode really shows you the evils of capitalism and makes you ponder on an alternate world where the USSR still existed. Let me say if that was the case Himegoto wouldnt exist so despite its flaws capitalism is here to stay baby. EPISODE 2: The second episode starts off by introducing a new character Kaguya Arikawa Himes brother who also happens to crossdress. Right when he walks in the door the first thing Kaguya does is offer his support to him after what unfolded in front of the entire school. Kaguya Arikawa states Its so amazing You were scouted by the student council In this episode it is revealed that Hime had also been forced to wear Womens clothes during their time in middle school. Himes childhood friend begins to sexual assault him in the hallway fortunatly the student console comes and beats up the assailant so they can sexually assult him themselves. This episode also introduces the characters that are in the discipline committee who want to save hime from the student council the perfect foil to all the council members. This episode introduces so many characters and they are all amazing. At this point of the story stuff is beginning to get complex and the characters relationships are starting to become intertwined. This episode has some pretty sexy scenes and the depth to the sexual harassment shows that this show is not scared to show the realities that occur in our world. Hime Defies that gender norms and that makes him a Hunky Chunky Clunk of MEAT. Next Episode. EPISODE 3: The third episode explains that the student council is essentially a form of an absolute monarchy where a dictator is installed to rule in place of the king who in this case happens to be 18kins dad Shimoshina Highs chairman. The student council passes his legislation and in return they are able to tap into the wealth of the school to deal with whatever issues they decide to deal with. It is revealed that their assignment is to help out with other clubs within the school so they go to help the cheerleaders practice and we get to see hime looking mighty fine and tasty. After that Hime is forced to cheer at an actual game but he falls and his genitals end up being exposed to the team however this is a good thing. The team as any sane person would be was motivated by the event that had taken place which resulted in the Shimoshina team winning After this they go to the photography club where they begin to photograph Hime. It then cuts to explicit edited photos of hime with the caption Well I did a little something on the PC... 18kin proclaims that she will be able to get rich if she sells these pictures to fellow students which is very stonks on her part. This episode is the most detailed thus far and has the most scenes that make life worth living. If I had not found himegoto when I did I probably would have done seppuku. There is no way to atone for the sin of not watching himegoto. The Ides of March 44 BC Brutus is about to assassinate Julius Caesar now lets imagine an alternate history where Himegoto is invented before 44 BC. I can say without a doubt Caesar would have continued his reign over the roman republic and we would be living in a very different world. Unfortunately it would take thousands of years for this art to be released to the public however it is not too late for this work to impact the future Julius Caesars and Brutus of the world. This episode is so densely packed that it is very likely to be gibberish to the common unlearned man. EPISODE 4: Episode 4 starts off with the student council helping the art club. You could argue that this is an allusion to the bible. So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do do it all for the glory of God. 1 Corinthians 10:31 The art club is drawing nude photographs of hime which shows pure human beauty in an even more artistic way than Michelangelos Statue of David to the point where you have to ask yourself is hime so perfect that it transcends humanity? They are all just trying to live their best lives and they are doing it spreading gods word. Hime is essentially my god hear me out Hime has done nothing but exist and he is hunted by loan sharks because of his parents poor decisions yet he is still punished immensely for this. So much so that you could argue that the art club drawing nude photographs of hime is akin to the bible being transcribed. The episode continues with some Albertina II moments that are pretty epic but overall this episode is a tad lackluster. Edgar Allen Poe said Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality. This is reality Himegoto is reality and there is no reasonable way to escape the reality of the world that we were all born on thus we are all obligated to do nothing but serve Hime Arikawa. We exist as an extension of Himes existence and right now Humanity is letting him down by not giving him the saintly respect he deserves. I really hope that this review is able to spread the word of Hime so more people understand the cause and start believing too. EPISODE 5: This episode starts off with all the student council members flexing their massive IQs on Hime because he did not do great on tests fucking idiot. Referring to where children come from: Albertina II says Theyre gathered from a cabbage field that was genetically manipulated. This is 100 true and I can confirm because I am genetically fucked from all of the incest. I havent gotten to that part yet but yeah I am probably incest because I am deformed as hell and this show really helps me cope with the fact that I will never truely have a place in society. There are lots of people that are marginalized and do not fit into society and this show supports all of those people. The characters in himegoto know what I am going through and they want to help me. Socrates once said The unexamined life is not worth living If i had not come and examined himegoto where would our society be? I am out here trying to do the work of Allah but I always seem to fall short. This review will not be a shortcoming. This review has proved that himegoto is the best show on earth and that my word is indisputable fact. There may be an occasional tangent here and there but mostly I state the facts and the facts are HIME ARIKAWA is the one true being and out society needs him to function. He is the Yin to our universe. The episode continues with a little bit of sexual assault but that is par for the course at this point. Then they decide that Hime is to wear white underwear. This is akin to European Monarchs telling their followers the religion that they have to follow or else face persecution. This is not an option and I think it is made pretty clear which I have come to expect and love from our dictatorial student council. EPISODE 6: THE COSPLAY EPISODE OMG. MEN THIS IS THE MOMENT YOU HAVE ALL BEEN WAITING FOR. Hime comes in like the goat looking scrumptious. All the people there are like omg we need pictures of this ascended being. Now here is where I am going to get controversial. JoJos Bizarre Adventure Copied Himegoto.Remember Kars? The socalled ascended being from part 2. This episode Hime Arikawa blew KARS out of the water and straight into outer space with his scrumptiousness so scrumptious that Kars doesnt even stand a chance. Let me ask a question to the audience here would you rather have sex with Hime Arikawa or Kars? The answer is simple. To everyone who answered Kars please read the following verse of the Quran. Chapter 30 : ArRoom Verse: 8 Have they not reflected upon their own being? Allah only created the heavens and the earth and everything in between for a purpose and an appointed term. Yet most people are truly in denial of the meeting with their Lord 8 After that they tease the great goddess a little longer until the episode eventually wraps up. This was one of the most important and influential episodes in all of anime and saying it is imperative to the continued survival of humanity is an understatement. EPISODE 7: If the last episode is best described as imperative to the continued survival of humanity. then this episode is more important to life on earth than Biomolecules such as Carbon Hydrogen and even Oxygen. The Pro and Anti Hime Factions begin fighting in their usual manner until it is eventually decided that they will race. The winner of the race is allowed to tell the losers to do whatever they want so with hime on the line the stakes are higher then they have ever been throughout this entire installment of the series. In the first race the student council scored a DUB the reason being Himes Brother Kaguya had Underestimated the positioning of the thing between your legs and I quote. It is then Himes turn to race and OH NO HIME CANT SWIM SHE IS DROWNING. 18Kin comes and saves the day and our entire civilization by saving the goddess before her life was lost. Then the next part needs some context. The title of episode 7 is Your Boobs Are Fully Exposed. Is That Okay? As the title suggests after reawakening from near certain death HIME EXPOSES HER TITIES TO THE WORLD. This is the moment that every himegoto fan has been waiting for. Confidence is knowing who you are and not changing it a bit because of someones version of reality is not your reality. Shannon L. Alder This episode speaks loads about individualism in Western Europe and The United States and HImes continued existence ensures the protection of said individualism so we really have to thank 18Kin for saving humanity as a whole in this episode. EPISODE 8: Episode 8: Its My First Time So Please Be Gentle Out of everyone Albertina II really carries the plot of this episode further. How does she do this? With her flat chest of course This episode has many iconic scenes such as the screenshot at 1:02 as well as 2:303:17. This episode just like all the others is art and should be treated as such. Throughout the whole series Albertina II is kanda just eh but this episode is where she picks up her game. Hime is a Kawaii as Fuck through this whole entire episode and the bra shopping shit is some of the funniest shit on this entire planet. Elbert Hubbard once said dont take life too seriously or you will never get out alive. If you look at this show with an open mind you are sure to enjoy it. This episode really solidifies this as what should have been anime of the year in 2014. This episode was the episode where I realized that I cared more about the show than the show cares about me and I DONT GIVE AF. I am ready to lay down my life as a Hime Arikawa simp if I must to protect the safety of our planet for generations to come. EPISODE 9: The Shimoshina High School November Festival Girls Contest? Need I say more. This episode basically takes place in a competition between the students council and the disciplinary committee. The Student Council all come out and they are looking JUICY theyll be hard to beat. After that the Disciplinary Committee comes out and they are looking JUICY too especially kaguya. Kaguya and Hime talk about their crossdressing for a second where it is revealed hime is wearing nothing under the swim suit. All it takes from then is a small push and then this episode is rolling. The best way to summarize this episode would be why is this so sexually appealing.The Student Council is NOT messing around and hime is leading them to glory with her cock and balls. The only complaint I have for this episode is why are the cock and balls censored? This was honestly so offensive that I almost dropped the show but I could never do that to Hime. EPISODE 10: The American Revolution. George Washington is about to cross the Delaware. December 25th 1776. George Washington crossing the Delaware and The Battle of Trenton is often described as a much needed victory for the continental army eventually leading to America being established. Similarly Hime made a bold move this episode and scored a much needed victory in the audiences pants. This episode starts off with absolute boringness No Hime Hime then appears in the background for like 3 seconds and disappears for the rest of the episode in place of Kaguya and gang. Overall Id prefer if this episode had more Hime but I am still satisfied.Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey. Jack Layton. Even though we didnt get to see much of hime this episode it is really a stepping stone for all of the potential future episodes have. EPISODE 11: This episode starts off and I see Hime. Deprived from lack of hime in the last episode I almost lost control. When I saw 18kin Albertina anc co as well as Kaguya and co I knew that this episode was going to be fire. In this episode all the usual suspects you know The Crossdressing fam they go OFF. They are all looking so damn fine in this episode and it offends me that more people are not talking about this. The animation in this episode far proceeds Mappa and Ufotable if they were combined. I have never seen an anime that has made me this happy to be alive knowing that it is almost over I am still happy that we were all here to experience this true work of art together. When I heard the end credits I couldnt believe the episode was already over it felt like it was only 10 seconds. This episode is SSS Tier. 10/10 EPISODE 12: This episode starts off with some mild sexual assult but if you have seen this far into the show you should know that that is pretty par for the course. The episode continues with the Kaguya Squad saving Hime though the student council was there they had just been watching the situation unfold. I really enjoy this artistic decision and it is quite bold I think if more anime did things like this the medium as a whole would be a lot better. Watching through this episode I really enjoy the flawless directing. I can tell that lots of effort was put into this and I really appreciate it because it makes it so the show is more relatable to the simple minded weeb. The disciplinary committee calls out the Student Council once again and comedic hyjinx follow. Hime is really hurt by the whole situation that had just unfolded and the next day Kaguya goes in and says Hime is to quit the student council. THIS IS THE PERFECT SETUP FOR THE FINALE. DRAMA IS AT ITS PEAK. LIGHTS CAMERA ACTION EPISODE 13: Finally we have made it to the end of the greatest anime that has ever existed. This episode starts off with the student council as the main stars in a state of self loathing after the incidents that occurred at the end of the episode. 18Kin suggests replacing Hime but everyone else is so offended because of how irreplaceable HimeKun was. After that the Episode Flashes back to hime who is about to be seriously insulted. Instead of waiting back the student council saves Hime resolving the whole situation the exact same way that it started. It was very sweet and it made my appreciation for the show as an entire masterpiece skyrocket. The episode ends with everything going back to normal. This series is mostly episodic in nature so I am glad to see that Hime and the gang get to have a happy ending and get to keep enjoying their lives. As some final thoughts overall this show is very important to me and has deeply touched me so I would appreciate it if everyone went into watching it with an open mind.
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