500https://m.mediaamazon.com/images/I/81svBzgG1bL.SL1280.jpg When it comes to visual novel adaptations we have a lot of problems. From skipping the important parts of the story to shorten the anime to changing the theme and tone of the series of even changing design and voice actors. Now considering i didnt played 11 eyes visual novelthough you dont need to play that to know you cant create a good adaptation from a 60 hours long visual novel with just 12 episodes. I dont look at it as an anime adaptation but as an anime. And even as an anime this show is the pinnacle of being trash in many ways. But before that keep in mind. i believe there is no such thing as Objectively reviewing or giving an opinion on a show/novel/book/movie/manga/game or whatever. Im not saying its about taste. Many may like a show that if they think about it come to the conclusion that the show is shit. Im talking about the point of view.the way someone looks at a show and thinks about it. So being disagree with me or anyone else isnt wrong. Nor strange. Thats all when it comes to music everything that i would say is just taste. I just think about like it or not. The music parts are so casually in my reviews. Because i dont know any particular thing about the music im not a native English speaker so if someparts have grammar and spelling problems i just can apologize for that So lets start 500https://thefoodiegeek.net/wpcontent/uploads/2018/09/11eyes07large0511024x576.jpg Story:3 When it comes to the story i think 11 eyes had so much potential. Though i think you can guess from the score that it was wasted. The story about a few strange peaple who are continue being sommoned in a strange wotld with a red sky and a few black peaple want to kill them. The story had some good plot twists but the problem was the other plot twists that were shit. And bad execution. The story is too rushed and gives no time for any particular or worthy foreshadow or even a decent character development. Some story events just contradict another story event that makes you question the writers that:what the fuck man do you know what the hell are you doing? Story comes with high potential but ends up giving you many nonesence and proves that bad execution and rushed pacing can easily destroy a show. But now we go to the most shitty aspect of this anime 500https://www.desktopbackground.org/download/o/2014/12/22/875493tophd11eyeswallpapers800x600h.jpg Characters:1 I believe every writer should watch 11 eyes. To fully understand what means shit character development. If the story has bad execution and bad plot twists at least it has one or two good plot twists compared to the show itself The characters were easily the worst part. Why? Let me begin with the main cast. Looking at the beginning we have a big cast specially if you consider that this show is just 12 episodes. And the rushed pacing and bad execution that i talked about earlier butchered the characters maybe even more than the story. The main characters are mostly undeveloped and 12 episodes is not enough to develop these characters. Thats why some scenes and character relationships comes out of nowhere like the writers even didnt know what they are doing. And it even worsens in the last episodes with just throwing many plot twists on the face of the viewer which makes it even impossible to develop characters even for the last episodes because it gives you something that just shitted on a shitty anime more. This is the bad execution that makes the characters undeveloped and even worse. complete one dimensional shits. The character development worsens in the villains part more. The show doesnt give you any information in the first episodes even doesnt foreshadow and in the end of the show we have a badly written villain switch that not just makes both of the shows villains shit. But again hurts the main characters. Making them dont act logically or even emotionally. Which means you will have no connection to these characters you just feel you are watching shit. The first villains have no development and the remaining cast of the first villains shows you many contradictory things with many parts of the show and also makes them not just undeveloped. But shitty and without any personality or characterization. Which makes the villains the pinnacle of writing shitty antagonists. They are not even 1 dimensional they are easily 1 dimensional. At best 0 dimensional characters. It had almost the worst antagonists and villains i had ever seen in my entire life and i think it will never change. Because the villains are just bad guys. Which the writers just gave them a shitty justification for being bad making that part of the show not a bad redemption arc nor a bad plot twist for the villains. But something that is the both. The ultimate goal of villains is to be both contradictory shits for the show and also being shitty existences that you even cant feel hate for the villains you feel a general hate for everything that the show offered. I cant really say how much the villains were bad because if Im gonna say how much the main cast was bad i can easily say :clich characters and undeveloped characters who lack both logic and emotions thus giving no value to the story and because the story itself is shit too it doesnt gives value to the characters too. But when it comes to the villains they are even worse than the main cast. At least the main cast has 3 percent value and the other 97 percent is shit. Villains are 200 percent shit. I think i made my point. 450https://thumbs.gfycat.com/AdoredInformalGlobefishsizerestricted.gif Music:9 It is a shame that such a good music was used for such a disappointment. Even after almost 5 or 6 years that passed from the first time i watched this shit I still have some of it tracks to listen tofor example the opening. I think i can consider it one of my favourites because i just think it is good. Though i shame to admit that such a music is used for such a shit.. I think the only valuable thing the show has is the music. Other than that i think everything other than the music is shit. Oh. And although the art isnt fantastic it is at least acceptable. 500https://www.themanime.org/images/screens/11eyes02.jpg Art:7 Art isnt fantastic or great but it is acceptable. Which at least makes the experience a bit more bearable. Though I dont know why someone might want to watch this show. But whatever. 450https://c.tenor.com/PF1VauWlQfAAAAAd/anotheranime.gif Enjoyment:3 The only thing that i think can be enjoyable or entertaining is the music and atmosphere. Other than that i think there is no such thing as entertainment in this show. You have just shit. Conclusion: In the end i think i can just say watch the opening. Listen to some tracks. Then you experienced every good aspect of this anime Maximum score with my taste: 3.5 Maximum score without my taste: 3 Minimum score: 2.5 One of the worst shit i have watched.
35 /100
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