This definitive review of Lamune will be divided into three sections: 1. Spoiler Free Review 2. Analysis of this Animes greatest deception 3. Spoiler Review Spoiler Free Review This was the most boring anime I have ever watched. Whilst Im not the biggest fan of SOL shows there are many that I still enjoy despite the slow pace however Lamune is a slice of life show swimming through treacle uphill in slow motion. Every scene is painstaking with long gaps between each pointless line of dialogue endless pauses on the characters gormless faces and repetitive scenes that are indistinguishable from one another. No character has any form of development they exist only to make obvious comments on the world around them or to make generic anime girl noises. 220 Put simply this is a show where nothing happens. Every episode starts with a flashback to the past where the main characters Nanami and Kenji are shown as children having some form of interaction. Examples include a debate about vegetables the moral dilemma of only having 2 pearls between three people and cleaning a motorbike. It really doesnt get any more exciting than this. Then during the episode a contrived conflict usually related to this flashback will arise and over the next 20 minutes the premise will be stretched out to its absolute max. Every episode had me wearily awaiting the end credits. 220 The animation quality is poor the character designs are generic and whilst the setting and backgrounds are pleasant enough its not enough to save the show when the same 4 locations are used over and over and over. The OP is generic and forgettable but the ED honestly kinda slaps and Id highly recommend giving it a listen At the end of the day I just dont know who this anime was made for. It was based on a VN so perhaps this exists solely to advertise the games existence. Though if thats the case this completely failed to make me want to try it. I recommend you stay clear of this anime unless youre an avid fan of watching paint dry. The Great Deception From here on out I will be spoiling the show you have been warned Calling this show Lamune is absolutely insane. Perhaps its a holdover from the VN where lemonade is more important but in this show it is important ONCE in a subplot related to an underdeveloped character who is not even the main characters primary love interest. From the beginning of the show it is painfully obvious that Kenji and his childhood friend Nanami will end up together there is no tension that the show would end any other way. So when a new love interest Sakura suddenly confesses to Kenji in episode 8 the idea that they would stay together is laughable. They pull the classic trope of Im moving away so I just want to date you for one day and so my emotional investment remains negative. The titular Lamune is given to Sakura in one of the aforementioned flashbacks and she keeps it forever pining for Kenji. The empty bottle is broken in a later episode and the Kenji gives her a new one as she moves away. This takes up maybe 30 minutes of the shows overall run time. With that context out of the way you might be thinking If Lamune is relevant to the plot albeit briefly then what is the deception?. Good question. The answer is these absolute scoundrels have the gall to name their show Lamune and spend the entire goddam runtime drinking Dr Pepper. Every time theyre thirsty they crack open a tinny despite the fact they named the show Lamune. The ONLY thing I wanted from this show was to watch them pop open a few lemonade bottles and they couldnt even give me that. There is ONE scene of them drinking Lamune at the end and I can confirm it was not worth the wait. 220 Spoiler Review Theres not much more to add however I gave this show a 15 not a 0 and I feel the need to justify the score. The last couple episodes of this show were honestly a lot better than the previous ten. With all of the pointless boring slice of life drivel out of the way the cute little romance finally coming to fruition between Kenji and Nanami was enjoyable to see. There are also some attempts at a deeper message throughout the final episodes asking questions of when its the right time to let go of someone you love and move on with your life. But these ideas are underdeveloped and only introduced in the final third of the show by which time it was too late for me to really care. Kenji also enters a coma in the final episode which was very relatable as watching Lamune had put me in a similar state. These final points dont change the fact that I was insulted by how dull Lamune was and I maintain that it should never be watched by anyone ever again. 220
15 /100
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