Main character is too much of a Mary Sue and yet is simultaneously one of the more useless characters as in she does near to nothing. Most of the characters feel pretty one dimensional. Even the villain feels like a bit of an AntiSue made into such a binary villain character. I havent finished yet but so far the villain has expressed no human feelings asides from anger she feels like a plot device. She has a son who love her dearly so if they dont manage to work in their some conflict between her greed and her love for her son then theyve really havent done her character justice. The story line is pretty generic and the pacing is quite awkward. The dialogue feels stiff at times like they are trying to rush through the plot and get on with it. Good as a casual read not really if you want something to get invested in. The main character feels like a very generic isekai main lead while simultaneously doing near to none of the interesting things Ive seen other main characters do. She barely changes the world asides from: 1. Keeping herself alive 2. Speeding up the timeline a little 3. Accidentally allowing a few extra conflicts to spring up though one of them turned out to be completely fabricated so it doesnt really count At some point she helps a character called Raya reunite with his brother who he hasnt spoken with in years after his brother tried to get him killed. They really breezed past what could have been an interesting character conflict by simply showing Raya a letter detailing that his brother tried to go to war in his place. One conversation later and the two have made up just in time to help the main character with her goal. The conversation consisted of the brother saying how bad he felt and Raya saying aw no its all cool i never hated you to begin with anyway wow that was exciting. So much conflict and drama. The buildup to this conflict was also subpar a few panels of Raya being uncomfortable Gracie a nobel recognising Raya the main love interest Cesar talking about how Raya doesnt get along with his family for a few panels and thats about it. My other problem is the fact that this is meant to be an isekai yet so much of the original story is left out. Like I know that Cesar goes off to war comes back divorces the main character takes over the empire marries Gracie then what. Either they just completely left the rest of the story out the original story really just ended in such an unsatisfying way or the rest was so unmemorable that I honestly cant remember what happens next. Since this is an isekai I feel like we should have some idea of the original plot so we can see what changes otherwise it just feels like character going around with infinite knowledge of the future making her a plot device to move certain events forward. It just feels more lack luster and lazy. Just feels like wasted potential. Sorry to any fans out there but this is my take on the story. I still havent finished it so Im holding out hope on the ending I really hope something really dramatic happens that does thoroughly change my impression of the story so far. UPDATE: So Ive finished the story and I can say I stand by my rating.
35 /100
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