Definitely not the professional review youre looking for and most certainly not one worthy of even typing out Made in Abyss heck I dont think this can even be considered a review but then again with blessings come curses Ill start this off by saying that I had stopped myself from reading and watching anything to do with Made in Abyss because I enjoyed it way too much and didnt want to feel like it was over. So this was a reminder of sorts. But I finally finished it after months of procrastination. This was an incredible adaptation of the manga. Didnt need to be bawling my eyes out at midnight but here we are. I can assure you that Made in Abyss did not fall flat with this sequel. There were many twists and turns but they only served to enhance its appeal. Made in Abyss nature is immediately apparent from the start. Amid the flowers of fortitude lie the AmaranthineDeceptors whom are absurdly horrifying. The fact that they feed themselves to their victims is already frightening so to make it worse they also plant LARVAE inside you before well killing you. Quite literally the insect of openings. Yeah the whole orifices saga has returned. Thank you very much Akihito Tsukushi I always end up with my mouth open when I sleep so if I ever wake up repeating who you know what happened to me. or Ive been possessed by an owl idk I gasped more times than I do after walking up 4 flights of stairs on my way to class while watching this and they were all for the right reasons. Unprecedented horrors that I didnt expect to unfold. I mean even if you did expect those things they still hit you square in the face. No apologies whatsoever. The emotions in all the characters were expressed incredibly well hell I say even perfectly that if somebody handed the team a lump of meat and told them to make it exhibit suffering they would definitely execute it flawlessly its literally Made in Abyss. Ill never look at my meat the same way ever again... And talking about the visuals oh my days... It was like a feast for my hungry eyes. Ive been starved of good visuals lately but this was truly a healing experience a visual buffet that satisfied my famished gaze a banquet of stunning imagery that left me in awe. Truly enough to make a grown man cry. I dont think I will ever be able to express in words just how much I love the worldbuilding in Made in Abyss. Its so vast and full of life which makes room for a heck load of exploration for both Nanachi and the rest and us the viewers. This time around we didnt get to see much since it focuses solely on the trio trying to get to the 6th layer and their experiences in Ido Front. But they still managed to leave us with more and more questions with no answers nonetheless a lot was discovered. From Bondrewd alone we gain quite a bit of knowledge. Firstly that hes still a monster that one Reg scene still has me shocked36:55. Secondly thanks to the elevator experiment seeing success with Nanachi he now makes cartridges to ward off the curse of the abyss. Thirdly hes no longer human. He cant use his own white whistle as he is not considered as being alive. So even if he tried to help them get to the 6th layer it wouldnt work. This just got me more curious on the history of the Abyss. He also possesses the Zoaholic artifact which went missing 15 years ago and uses it to stay immortal. There is no correlation between how long he can live and the mask. Since he uses the Zoaholic to spread his consciousness across multiple bodies of the Umbra Hands he uses the mask once he transfers so it looks like him. So Reg really did kill him twice just that he moved bodies. Thats one hell of a twist if you ask me. However that then raises the question of why Reg Nanachi and Riko did not destroy the Zoaholic. And I am also not aware of the answer. But from what I understand it would be ineffective considering he has already spread his consciousness. So killing one will just make him move over. And if its already tiring to defeat him once try defeating him three or more times. Another user KuroGFX suggested that it had to do with the way Made in Abyss works and how its inhumane in a similar way to the cycle of life. Not saying that they were detached or lacked empathy but saying that they now had a white whistle and Bondrewd was no longer an obstacle or a threat to their progress. His interpretation written here Who could forget this? Literally shatteredmy heart its so messed up. That Bondrewd bastard. To think theyd introduce a character who acts like a daughter to that monster so we see him as being more human and actually capable of loving someone make him say something heartwarming like Families are built by strangers who cross paths and come together to give us hope have Meinya squeak and appear to be moving toward Prushka then further give us hope by telling us how Nanachi used to participate in the killing of children and how much she suffers and regrets it to make it seem like shell be able to save one this time then unveil that while the trio were out and about Prushka was being reduced to the bare minimum enough to be considered alive. The girl that was laughing and smiling just the other day was turned into a literal box made to suffer. And what was worse? Being an unwanted orphan made her naive. She was raised with false love and still thought good of Bondrewd even in her last moments. Taking on the burden of the curse and allowing him to receive the blessing of the Abyss. Oh god. And the red goo pouring out of the only hole in the box combined with her pulse and her voice was an excellent way to show emotion. My tear ducts are now drier than my pitiful exs texts. Even though she had been through so much she still thought of Riko who she had only spent a few hours with. So now Riko can descend to the 6th layer. After all that. They have gained one thing they needed but the horrors behind it are still there. I still have not emotionally recovered from the whole thing and my therapist is considering adding an extra session just because of this traumatic experience I even considered starting a support group for people who have been emotionally scarred by this event so please reach out if you need a hand to hold. Darn incredible I tell you. This film reminded me just how good Made in Abyss is and why I fell in love with it in the first place. A fantastic sequel adaptation and movie. THIS is what real anime is. Thank you for reading this far or skipping. Hope to see you again once the sequel is completed 14th July 22
100 /100
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