220https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8e/Orenoimoutonovelv1cover.jpg What an insult to compare this to the show. Dont read this. Characters: The main character Kyousuke is dissimilar to the anime. The interpretation has additional inner dialogue for him and almost all of it made him a worse person. Many scenes are not present in this version that added to the character of Kyousuke. So much of his character specifically is missing that he might as well be a camera for the story that jumps in once and a while to take a punch for his sister. Many characters that were developed and worth discussing in the anime are reduced to their tropes in this version with most of their personality stripped away. Others may as well have been removed. Kuroneko especially is truly disappointing in this interpretation of the story because rather than being a main character she is a background character with only a handful of lines. You might think that this would allow the author to focus more on Kirino but this is also not true. Her character is the least touched of any of the characters but has also been made pale in comparison to other versions. Pacing: I am honestly impressed that the author thought that the pacing of this manga was acceptable. Many scenes read as if the author was trying to speedrun the story. At a few points in the story the narrative jumps ahead or at least seems to skipping so much that someone who has seen the anime would find the jumps jarring. Other jumps are so jarring that someone who has not experienced any other version of the story would also notice them. Art: The art in this manga is not impressive. Without context the characters are often barely recognizable when compared to other versions of the story. The art only looks acceptable in a handful of scenes and those are usually ecchi scenes. Trash: The manga is unnecessary trashy with angles that focus on the breasts and thighs of characters which also distracts from the narrative. This is especially terrible when an emotional scene is happening with a character crying but the camera angle or clothes are set up as if the reader should be sexually excited which is a contrast in tone. Concluding Thoughts: This manga is honestly not worth this review. I went through the process of writing this though to warn future readers. Watch the anime. The anime is an amazing story that is often overlooked because of its title. Oreimo is a sweet romance story that can be a moving emotional roller coaster. This manga feels forced in its story telling and you will not enjoy it. This is a 3 out of 10 story on its own. This is a 1 out of 10 in light of its other versions existing.
30 /100
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