I have read 109 chapters of Aharensan wa Hakarenai. I enjoyed my time reading it and I have stopped reading for reasons I will specify later. I know that I have not caught upto the manga so my review may be incomplete/wrong but I am not gonna force myself to read it just for this review because my review would still stand for at least 109 chapters of the manga which is a good chunk of it. If you feel that I am wrong or want me to correct something just message me. Before I start the review I just wanna say that I am not an epic anime review man who is going to analyze every minute detail of the manga. I just wanna share my thoughts after reading it and I hope you would message me about it so I could hear your thoughts on it too :D https://i.ur.com/TmsfieT.gif Introduction Aharensan wa Hakarenai is a romantic comedy manga about two people that is Reina Aharen and Raidou Matsuboshi. Aharensan is a girl who struggles with communicating with people because she has difficulty with determining the distance between her and the people she is interacting with. Raidoukun is her benchmate who becomes friends with Aharensan despite her issues. The manga is basically about the daily banter these two do it can be really funny cute and wholesome to read. There are other characters too which would include Aharensans sisters a few friends and teacher. https://i.ur.com/TmsfieT.gif The Beauty Of Aharensan wa Hakarenai On paper this manga doesnt seem every fun or interesting tbh so why I am writing this review instead of going about my day because I wanted to write this part of the review ever since I finished it a while ago. Aharensan wa Hakarenai is able to pull off something quite remarkable which is making Boring People into Fun People. Now I dont want to offend anyone by calling either main characters of this manga boring just because you dont socialize properly doesnt make you boring but if you look at from the point of view of a mangaka having people who dont talk much or show much reaction or emotion as your main leads that being the selling point of your story is very hard especially if it is a slice romance manga. Not only are they the main leads the author does not even rely on the other character or random things he does use them from time to time but it is only a few times to keep the manga flowing. Look at the typical romcom they use a lot of characters and the main leads are quite vibrant Not to diss them just saying this manga is an unique one The author has managed to create an unique manga about the friendship/bond between these two characters who would be termed as boring by society society lol . Aharensans crazy gaming skills her attempts to help Raidoukun her family her soft voice and dialogue etc and Raidoukuns overthinking and overanalyzing situations his bizarre and crazy theories etc . It is amazing how using only these two otherwise boring characters the author was able to create so many cute wholesome and funny chapters. I adore this manga for being able to pull it off. https://i.ur.com/TmsfieT.gif It kinda sucks now though sigh Ok it does hurt me to go from that positive segment to this one but alas the manga has its fair share of problems. The Unique aspect of the manga I talked about earlier is lost as the story goes on. I dont blame the author for this I do realize that you can only go into so much character depth while also keeping it funny. Sure you can say that they could develop the characters or something like that but if the author does that I doubt you can keep the feel of the manga without losing something. So as the chapters go on it turns kinda generic with a larger friend group and more romance added into it I dont hate this change or anything but this isnt the manga that I had come to love. I looked through a few of the latest chapters and I can see the uniqueness of the manga has been restored for a few chapters at least so maybe it is not fully gone : Another Problem is Theres just too much text now you might call this is a nitpick but some chapters have way too much text on them. Now I dont want to read a entire textbook to understand the joke combine this with the previous problem and I dont want to read this manga anymore. 30https://scansongoing2.planeptune.us/manga/AharensanWaHakarenai/0111004.png 30https://scansongoing2.planeptune.us/manga/AharensanWaHakarenai/0117005.png 30https://scansongoing2.planeptune.us/manga/AharensanWaHakarenai/0117011.png https://i.ur.com/TmsfieT.gif TLDR Aharensan wa Hakarenai is a cute romcom manga that has its fair share of funny and wholesome moments. It has a unique story which only focuses on the main leads and their daily shenanigans instead of focusing on their friend group too which makes it unique and refreshing to read. Overall it is fun would recommend. Final score 8 / 10 I would love to hear your thoughts too :D
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