People lie to themselves all the time. Thats a given nurture of humans as it serves as a cooping mechanism to deal with discomfort. A dream that can never come true. An ideal that you can never reach. A lost object you can never find. When something cannot be attended most people give up. Isin uses Nadeko in this arc to shoecase the hypocrispy of pushing the boundaries of what they can accomplish when you dont give up in the twistiest I dont even know if this is a real word of tales as it isnt even one to begin with. Nadeko ate her own delusions into reality which is ironic because of how much she tried to reject the truth and live in her fantasy. She was happy with half measures because then she wouldnt have to make a decision. Never really as i or I but right on the fence so that she can disassociate herself from the person living a suboptional life. Never really in or out of love with Big Bother Koyomi but enough to use that as the baseless of her wish as a god. The act of chasing something is more intolerating than having it in your hands. No Short Stories to talk about in relation to this arc that I could find but there is a Nadeko Mirror that was released with Onimonogatari BD Vol 2 so Ill talk about with the next entry in Second Season. Speaking on Second Season you thought I would skip talking about the placement of this arc in relation to Second Season you clearly havent read any of my other reviews The thread of lies and truth are what snitch together this entire season. Hanekawas comfortation of missing memories as Black Hanekawa III Araragis damation of his selfless selfishness with the possibility of Adult Mayoi Kanbarus normalization of no longer seeping rumors fearing for her Devil Nadekos cannibalization of her hopes in the savour Araragi Shinobus omission of her first tall and the delusions of sacrifice and Kaikis internalization of the logical detection onto the world. The future arc that ends the Final Season is another extension of this arcs major theme but for Araragi to face his own disconnect between fantasy and reality of gratification from child to adult. Nadekos arc in Bakemonogatari was my favorite because of how it really challenged Araragis savior complex by him failing to save Nadeko because of his nondiscriminatory urge to help anyone and everyone that gets expanded with the last arc of this Second Season beheading the penultimate sequencing of the placement of Nadekos struggles with her own skin. Maybe she will continue to shed light on the second most interested character since Bakemonogatari as i continue this LN dive of the Second Season.
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