Quick headsup if youre expecting a professional review: This aint it. These are just my unfiltered and honest thoughts on this show. May or may not contain spoilers idk. Eromanga Sensei in its essence is a pretty funny and cute show. The humour is nothing out of this world but if you need some simple comedy this can do. The characters are almost all pretty cute though the author of this series has been taking things too far in some regards. Like quite a lot too far. I dont know how much of that is the fault of the source material I dont really read manga even though I really want to get into it but knowing creepy old Tsukasa Fushimi it is likely that its not just the anime that uses way too many assshots of little girls which frankly made me cringe at best and feel uncomfortable at other times. I know without the copious amounts of visual perversion that is going on here the series probably wouldnt have taken off as much as it did but I really wish this kind of stuff was toned down a bit especially in scenes where we definitely do not need lewd shots. The story was... alright. Or at least it didnt insult me. I am just impressed that they somehow managed to drag out haha I write novels and there are also a few girls over 12 episodes +2 OVA episodes without it getting too boring. The few more serious moments were definitely the highlight for me but unfortunately those are the exception rather than the norm which brings me to what I really didnt like in this series: How dense do you want your characters to be? Tsukasa Fushimi: yes The number of times where the characters literally talk at cross purposes is staggering. They Sagiri and Masamune basically confessed to one another by episode 3 or 4 or whatever it was and our male protagonist somehow misunderstands it. Sagiri was slightly vague but how the hell can he misunderstand the words I am in love from his shutin sister who literally has no contact to anyone besides him? the other writer guy who is so unimportant that I forgot his name instantly he false thinks Masamune is gay. The solution? Of course not actually explaining things instead just stuttering around. MASAMUNE DONT STAND RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE DOOR SAGIRI WILL BREAK YOUR FUCKING NOSE WHEN WILL YOU EVER LEARN And those are just a few. Now for some minor things: Perspectives change the characters height SO MUCH at times its crazy. For example one moment Megumi is just a bit shorter than Masamune next scene shes the height of an elementary schooler. Other proportions also change heavily at times most notably breasts or sometimes the lack thereof some consistency wouldve probably been a good idea instead of growing/shrinking them however they need the honkers for a particular scene. Besides that art and soundtrack were alright and average for this kind of series I suppose. Once again not something that impressed me all that much but it did its job. I dont really feel like rambling any more than necessary though because as heart I still thought that watching this was a decent pastime although I definitely couldve spent that time better. Ill be back for more questionable and controversial anime reviews someday...
61 /100
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