We Without Wings Under the Innocent Sky often abbreviated to Oretsuba is not an anime that appeals to the majority of viewers. Yet the thematic construction and unraveling of the narrative leads to one of the most unique psychological presentations I have witnessed within the medium. It is an adaptation of a visual novel of the same name by Navel and is notoriously impossible to translate due to the authors complex and culturally unbridgeable prose restricting the source material from those who do not speak or understand the nuances of the Japanese language. The plot follows three men and their connection to various women Haneda Takeshi a feeble and chuuni high school student who escapes from bullying through the belief he is a knight from another dimension Chitose Shuusuke a lively and affable yet unsuccessful playboy who works multiple minimum wage jobs in order to sustain himself and Narita Hayato a brooding and edgy delinquent who roams the streets of Yanagihara city at night. While these men may initially seem disconnected on the surface they share a substantial commonality connecting them intrinsically. Unfortunately the girls lack substantial characterization and development mostly existing to flesh out the male leads and provide often overwhelming and unnecessary fan service. That being said each girls relationship with the corresponding male protagonists serves to highlight how each characters shattered psyche indirectly affects others around them. In contrast the male leads are fairly wellwritten all representing different forms of psychological turmoil and mental illness which leads to the construction of the unique narrative structure. Oretsubas narrative and story are analogous to a disharmonious band which plays entirely out of tune yet within the deafening cacophony a wholly new melody can be found one which is beautiful in its unorganized discord. Equally parts perverse and chaotic the anime is a comedic mess that seems too disconnected to amount to anything meaningful. Yet given the psychological state of the main characters the randomness makes sense through the lens of mentally ill individuals who cannot perceive reality in a cohesive or neurotypical manner and the unique comedic elements create an absurdist outlook on the world where nothing makes sense and is enveloped within a veil of neurotic confusion. However this extreme amalgamation of comedy psychology and ecchi is a doubleedged sword as Oretsuba can be perceived as disgusting unfunny and nonsensical depending on the viewers perspective which is understandably what makes the anime so unappealing to wider audiences as a whole. There isnt much to say about Oretsubas music as it is unmemorable and stereotypical for a production of Oretsubas caliber consisting of typical Jpop tunes which dominate so heavily within the industry. The animation is crisp and luminous but not particularly special or atmospheric it is reasonably visually appealing but not a memorable aspect of the anime in the slightest. Overall We Without Wings Under the Innocent Sky is an anime that is exceptionally unique yet difficult to recommend to others due to the confusing and perverted elements of the story yet underneath the facade of a raunchy comedy it creates and perpetuates an intriguingly complex perspective into the mind of disturbed and traumatized individuals who cannot view the world through the viewpoint of an average person.
70 /100
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