This is what this manga did to me through its chapters: it made me feel. I felt so bad and happy and glad and confused and mainly I was invested in the story. Haruka Tooki Ie is about 2 boys that went through a lot and decided to deal with it together. The backstory of the characters itself isnt the most original thing to be honest it but i dont think the matter or the point is really the backstory but how its been told how we can understand what the characters feel and empathize for them even if we didnt or did go through the same they did. I finished this in a very little amount of time and in this short time Ive went through more emotions that Ive felt while watching entire movies. Another great point is the art its relaxing its beautiful its warm. Its so important for me to see what Im reading thats why I like comics and mangas in general they make me go through way more feelings when I can SEE the information Im absorbing even though Im pretty invested in books and novels as well. As far as im not a professional into making critics and availing things I realized there are no reviews of Haruka Tooki Ie which makes more difficult for people to find interest on reading it so I simply decided to make a review of my own of this short dramatic and emotional piece of work with what I feel from the bottom of my heart after reading it. After all this speech I made i think I should do a final review at least. Story: 8 As I said before some things are far from being original but its not like it was a problem at all because it brings up unfortunately rather common problems that people could have gone through life and its developed in such a sad dramatic and also beautiful way using such a complex topic called love and turning into something even more complex the problems that come with it the people around you your ideals mixing all of it and making something insanely common at the time the work takes place and even nowadays. The poetry inside every page telling this tragic story is impeccable. Art: 9 I dont have nothing to complain about it the artstyle used to duo with the story of this manga is beyond beautiful the expressions are wonderful the scenario is chef kiss and thats about it. Characters: 9 I think the main thing to be availed is the characters. The world goes around them the story is about them and how people see them. I dont think there was really anything left to be added there were few chapters but it was enough to show us the main characters and make us understand everything we needed about them make us feel sorry about them care for them. Overall: 10 It might be just according to my very personal feelings but for such a short story the message it gave was way too big and it did the work that many similar on going pieces of work couldnt. Haruka Tooki Ie is definitely not for everyone but I would recommend it to anyone interested on reflecting all of their life decisions and ideals and crying for fiction that is mixed with reality.
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