Prologue In a distant place shrouded in darkness a lone figure sit across the table. None could identify who the person is or what their intension were but one thing was for certain they were devoted. The mysterious being took a deep breath looked around and after confirming their suspicions started writing. Chapter 1 He was but a man who like many before him had a dream. He wished to achieve an impossible feat and was willing to go through unspeakable lenghts to do that. He had an appearence of a normal person a background character so to speak but this was precisely what he wanted to look like. His personality however was a completly different case. His charisma and power brought him many allies and through sheer wisdom he shared knowledge to his followers that were put in good cause or rather one that would suit the newly created organization needs. He treated the world like a joke and used it and other people as a mean to satisfiy his made up persona but to those around him this was a painfully serious situation. Each and every encounter had one or 2 more perspectives to look at and depending on lenses through which one were to witness such events the reception would drastically shift. The world around him felt vast with plenty of characters to meet and encounters to face and it never seemed like there was an end to his performance and the ploy at large. Chapter 2 Animation is a concept unknown to the likes of such world but it was an important part in creating the best show. An aid of multiple people is required to best utilize their talents and time necessary to achieve it. The moves gracefully complementing one another with utmost precision enabling a powerful but simple solution. The faces of creations that are part of this process had a consistent quality and hardly faded into an amalgamation from unknown lands. The fights fulfiled their job and each one had a coherent build up to it that made for an exciting and thrilling experience something that residents of this world may soon learn the existence of. Chapter 3 No matter the quality of resources and time required it would all be for naught had not it not be for the work and vision of a director overseeing the whole performance. Kazuya Nakanishi whose name may not resound yet in this realm but will no doubt start appearing more often sooner rather than later. From an absurdally huge amount of credits throughout each episodes to the impressive feats during more demanding ones he brought the team together and through his eyes and effort managed to mix a serious nature of world around with a particularly distinctive trait of a certain leader figure flawlessly. The comedic timing a concept not yet fully established within world has brought joy to many people. It is not an easy task to carefully nail the different atmosphere while not making it feel to jarring for audience. Chapter 4 No performance is complete with a music to be accompanied by. The resounding sounds of powerful instruments along the drops during pivotal moments have caused many to be immersed in the spectacle unfolding before their very eyes. From soothing voices playing in the backgrounds as Mob figure goofed around with his friends to a bombastic and religious sounding choir of followers during the showtime. The music plays an important role in conveying atmosphere and characters due to associations that it brings to viewers. Their name has been documented in multiple ancient records appearing often than not but neither can find the true nature of such individual he is known as the composer Kenichirou Suehiro the man behind such spectacle. Epilogue The following day there was no trace left of the figure that once stood in that room. Nothing that could possibly trace back the culprit has been found what remained was a short book laying on the table. The man entered the room and put his hand on the creation he sensed a strange but familiar feeling and spoke. Another Eminence. The man had passion in his eyes and could not stop the maniacal laughter that followed after. He knew what must have been done and so he departed from the room. My job here is done spoke a voice responsible for writing the text and just like the recipient they vanished into the air shrouded in darkness unknown what the future may hold. But they knew for certain that whatever it will be they would document it all for that is a role they bestowed upon themselves.
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