IMG When I first saw Takagi it just felt inconsequential and ordinary even obtuse and unbearable at times. I couldnt care for the characters since I believe that in a slice of life anime it is crucial to build a bond towards them and Takagi in spite of its several attempts to perform as a bridge to create that connection it always failed miserably. I had watched two seasons it didnt work. I had given it a second chance so I read the manga it didnt work either. But after watching the movie in spite of my futile attempts to resist it my opinion regarding Takagi changed radically. SAY GOODBYE TO YESTERDAY EMBRACE TOMORROW IMG There is a lot of symbolism in this movie one of the most beautiful things about life is to able to meet others but then there is the other side of the coin. We cling to our past in order to escape the heartrending end. That is a concept that we see in both the story of Takagi Nishikata and their kitty and in the story of Mina Yukari and Sanae. The end will always be inevitable but we ought to treasure the path we have taken and reminisce it with a grin on our faces. There is another concept that we see in this film and that is FAMILY. Takagi and Nishikata experience their first but solid step towards a parenting style they decide to act on when taking care of the kitty. This is something that continues to develop throughout the story until it is consolidated in the finale where ambiguity and uncertainty are no longer the protagonists. The fact the they are already a family and have conceived a daughter becomes tangible and explicit. IMG THE ART OF MUSIC AND SOUND Inconsequential to many substantial to the rest a proper soundtrack always adds power and meaning to any scene. The use or the lack of it can substantially change a scene. The intrinsic value of music is in my opinion unquestionable. For instance the scene where Takagi and Nishikata named their kitty after the flowers or when they found it after an exhaustive search in the rain or when Nishikata tells Takagi that he will make her happy for the rest of their lives the emotionality of this film lies in these small details. Now I cant imagine any of these scenes having the same impact without its proper soundtrack. Im not based on technical or theoretical arguments but on something more instinctive. A good sound is as important as a good animation and narrative. LETS SUMMARIZE THIS The film moved me like many others have but I felt a genuine attachment to Takagisan the movie. Not only due to its extraordinary concepts or its wonderful soundtrack you can hear throughout the whole movie. My admiration lies in redemption. Takagi taught me that no matter how much you despise something our emotions can change. An unexpected transition from hate to love can take place under the proper circumstances. I LOVE this film with all my heart and I doubt these feelings will ever change.
95 /100
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