This is my first review of a GL manga actually. I dont think Ive reviewed any BL either. So I suppose this is pretty momentous. I would have reviewed Goodbye My Rose Garden earlier but I was extremely sick when I read it and after I recovered I couldnt remember anything important. My reviews from that era were sadly not particularly good. But I suppose its a good thing that my reviews now are much better and I can do Kasesan justice and hopefully review a lot more BL and GL in the future. Yamada is on the greenery committee and takes immense pride in that. Gardening is the thing she finds most interesting until the beautiful and cool track star Kasesan enters her life. Yamada has fallen head over heels for Kase who is her opposite in every way but she doesnt know what to do since theyre the same gender. However it seems that Yamada has caught Kasesans eye as well and the two quickly find a budding romance on their hands. In my opinion the first volume was the best one. We got to explore Yamadas feelings for Kase and how shes juggling her attraction to Kase with her preconceived ideas of not being able to date women while being a woman herself. Yamada has a tough time picking up the hints that Kases into her since shes not used to the idea of being able to date the same gender. She overthinks things wondering if Kases behavior is normal or if she sees her as a potential girlfriend around chapter 3 Kase is established to be attracted women. Much of the manga is about the two of them forming a genuine romantic connection and becoming a couple. The second thing that the first volume covered was Yamadas social interactions. Its established that shes very awkward and doesnt really go to social events without her best friend. When she goes alone she feels embarrassed and gets made fun of by her peers when she doesnt do things gets made fun of when she does and they generally make her feel like shes unwanted. This hit hard for me. So hard I almost cried. As Ive mentioned in other reviews I suffer from severe social anxiety and I didnt exactly have the greatest time in the first few years of high school. I was the girl who would only go to social events if my best friend was there and would feel completely lost and ignored if she wasnt. I had classmates who would deliberately ignore me even. I would get made fun of sometimes for being awkward shy and quiet. It was so painfully accurate to my worst high school experiences. I just wish the manga had explored that beyond the first volume because after that it slowly becomes exclusively about Kase and Yamadas relationship which isnt bad but I was just expecting something a bit more especially with how much the karaoke chapter resonated with me. This may be a GL manga but its also a shoujo manga so expect lots of shoujo tropes. We get the jealousy over the exgirlfriend. We get the preparing for college arc. We get the misunderstandings. And its all extremely cute and sweet. Both girls had jealousy issues but they would always sort things out and apologize afterwards. The first two volumes were more about establishing them as a couple and I found them more interesting. The other three volumes were more about their relationship and the two of them dating as well as preparing for college focusing on their respective interests gardening and athletics. It was cute and enjoyable though it didnt engage me as much perhaps due to all the misunderstandings. Yamadas an awkward cute feminine girl. Shes very girly loves stuffed animals and gardening and is peppy and optimistic despite being prone to insecurities. Kase is more of a tomboy and an athlete making her the cool to Yamadas cute. Shes very protective of her friends and confident in herself. I do wish her character got explored a little more since we never got to explore her thoughts and emotions anywhere near the same level as Yamadas making her a bit more enigmatic and one dimensional. There are two other characters Mikawa Mikawacchi who is Yamadas best friend and Inoue Kases presumed exgirlfriend and thats pretty much it. Its a small cast as the series is almost exclusively about Kase and Yamadas relationship leaving little room for other dynamics which isnt bad at all You Got Me Sempai is similar and thats one of my favorites. The art is adorable. Kase and Yamada have super cute designs that emphasize their personalities and different aesthetics. Kase is usually dressed in athletic clothes while Yamada tends to dress in lots of frills and girly styles. The art is very sketchy often entering a chibi style where the airheaded garden obsessed Yamada has a little plant growing from her head. Its all very charming especially the gorgeous pastel color pages. Kasesan and... is a genuinely nice manga. While I liked the earlier volumes best I think its an enjoyable read for someone whos getting into GL and already loves shoujo manga like me. Its a relationship focused shoujo manga which reminds me of Kimi ni Todoke and You Got Me Sempai quite a bit. Its not perfect or super deep but its an enjoyable wholesome romance for anyone whos looking for one.
89 /100
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