English is my second language there may be errors in my grammar.. I try to make a spoilerfree review however in the section opinion if something important happens I mention it. General experience Final score. My personal score is based in 5 star system so I tried to put an accurate number here but isnt always the case. Locate Brief Conclusion + Recommendation section where the main points are summarized. Experience with TECHNOROID: OVERMIND I In todays society android are indispensable elements since the rising of the water the climate prevents humans from doing the activities they used to do now humankind dependen on them. At the present moment various forms of entertainment compensate for the lack of fun being Babel the place where you can present your music and earn rewards for it. Its in this instance where a mysterious group of four androids decides to compete in Babel the only reason is because they dont have money to survive for themselves. All of sudden taken risks in a scenario where they dont have experience is in these circumstances when they meet Esola a boy who knows about maintenance and reparation of robots. This predestined encounter it turns to be a beautiful friendship contrasting the reality where in society rises discrimination against robots by different fears. This is a story where society refuses to adapt to changes against a new way of life that begins to become more conscious about themselves. Maybe a heart also resides in them. O This premise took the concept idols as a point of approach towards androids who have never understood the word itself KNoCC reinterpret what seems to be a coherent presentation in a scenario. During the anime we will see their progress in the expression of their feelings something strange and questionable in the first place. The factor idols its just an excuse in this anime for a story based on a mobile game we found deep themes delivery in the most soft form where the way of representing robots as equal beings to humans opens up great dilemmas. Through episodes the plot increases behind during the journey of self discover of each android then it becomes intriguing when you noticed that not everything was a coincidence. Only a few lucky events created apparent miracles. The general quality of this anime leaves the impression that they tried to deliver their best each song was good enough and the creative composition behind the musical stage it works. Although can be better considering how the competition innovates in CGI. As a result there were few fluid movements and devoid of emotion in the expression nonetheless the camera focus within the light effect soothes every moment making enjoyable. Maybe I wouldnt write this if it hadnt been interesting and surprising the foreshadowing that has existed since the beginning of story. At this moment I want to make clear as a casual viewer I find myself some kind glad that it wasnt just the average idol anime of the season however nothing that exceeds the expectations of a more critical viewer. Cs + R TECHNOROID tells us the story of a futuristic world where human and androids coexist its in this context where a group of android tries to survive by themselves as idols. Consequently when they meet a young human named Esola a whole new world opens up developing a core emotions begin to spring up in them. When the fateful encounter causes great changes in society Esola feels guilty towards these four androids. Its an anime that I would recommended only those who want to see what its seem a Slice of Life mixing with SciFi. Henceforth you will witness their self discovering within the world around them along the musical moments as their resolution while behind the scenes a dark plot tries to build itself. Albeit doesnt exceed big expectations its a refreshing and interesting to watch.
75 /100
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