INTRODUCTION Cheonbangjichuk Hani also known as Hani 2nd Season was aired in the same year 1988 as an alternative version of the popular anime Run Hany. Despite being marketed as a sequel in several anime database websites this anime is nothing more than a reboot of the original story. The story focuses on Hanys life and the characters from the original anime have undergone some changes. Unfortunately this second season fails to capture the spirit of the original series. HISTORICAL CONTEXT Run Hany was a highly popular sports anime series in South Korea that first aired in 1988 and was a faithful adaptation of the manhwa. The show revolved around the coming of age story of a young girl named Hany who had a deep passion for running. The anime quickly gained widespread acclaim developed a large following among viewers and even appeared in several Korean TV commercials. However the subsequent anime adaptation titled Cheonbangjichuk Hani was loosely based on the source material and failed to live up to expectations falling short in comparison to the original series. PLOT As a standalone anime Cheonbangjichuk Hani is a disappointing watch. The plot is incohesive and somewhat episodic. Unlike the original anime where running was the central theme the show has nothing to do with running. Instead it focuses on Hanys life and her relationships with her mother who was alive this time. The plot feels random and lacks any real direction. The story fails to deliver the same level of excitement and passion that the original anime did. CHARACTERS One of the biggest disappointments was the way the characters have been developed. The original characters have lost their appeal and their personalities have undergone significant changes. For example Hanys father who was previously mostly absent in the original anime is now Hanys PE teacher for some reason. This change may have been made to make the story more relatable but it fails to add any real value to the plot. Additionally the new characters that have been introduced dont fit well with the original cast. In the original Run Hany anime series Hanys relationship with her coach was portrayed as a fatherlike figure which added depth to the characters development and created a unique emotional connection with the audience. However in the reboot this aspect of the story was diminished and the new coach here was portrayed merely as a coach without any personal connections. This decision removed a significant appeal of the original series. FINAL THOUGHTS While the show may have some redeeming qualities such as sharing the same quality of animation and soundtrack and featuring the same voice actors as the original series it pales in comparison to its predecessor. Its best to avoid this anime as it may ruin your last impression of Run Hany and end up wasting your time. However if youre still curious and insist on watching it be prepared for disappointment.
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