Somedays Dreamers is a special little gem of a series. Now of course on my list I have a dedicated section to showcase the series that I have seen that overlap with my 10 ratings which in accordance to my rating system means I cherish a series or think that it is very special but also really showcases my taste in anime. At least as of now that looks like the following: The highlighted series here are ones that I think perfectly embody the feeling mood vibe or heart of a series that I cant help but feel drawn to. I wish that there were more literal terms to put that in but the simple fact of the matter is that these series have a special feeling to me when watching that is very healing and sweet. With this context laid out I want to recognize that Somedays Dreamers may not be for everyone. Which I dont think needs to be said for every anime since any sort of review or commendation a series can be given is subjective regardless of who or what it is. But this is a bit different with Somedays Dreamers because I think the real defining difference to the series is its atmosphere and emotion. Throughout Somedays Dreamers you see a fantastic demonstration of that same atmosphere emotion and heart. You may frequently hear the tagline With all the precious feelings inside my heart... I feel that while this line itself is important only to our main female protagonist Yume Kikuchi for the sake of her magic it demonstrates the true essence of the series. Magic in this series isnt the same that youll find in Fairy Tail in Wandering Witch Elaina or anything of the sort. Magic in Somedays Dreamers is a natural part of the world but one that I felt genuinely captivated by. It was quite possibly the first time that I found that magic in an anime really felt... magical. But that was how I felt about this series as a whole. Very calm tranquil and beautiful. You wont find stellar animation a grandiose plot or tremendous character growth here. But in many ways I feel like Somedays Dreamers is the result of a lot of passion and emotion being put forth to the pages of Norie Yamadas one and only literary work. Something that was created as an outlet for Nories soul feelings and... all the precious feelings inside their heart. That passion shines through and while watching any anime the first thing that speaks to me is atmosphere. This harkens back to the list of anime I have which help to define my taste they all share to some extent a similar atmosphere to me. To borrow from the phrasing I saw on another users profile they are series that feel like home. I will be the first to admit that this series lacks much in the way of conflict or a grandiose overarching narrative. Its a pretty real world with some pretty down to earth characters. But these grounded characters and the struggles they go through only stand to demonstrate that no matter how much power you have or what special abilities you are blessed with there is still no greater blessing than having someone there by your side to help you back on the right path. Its the little things both in this anime and in real life that go the distance in the end. The little moments you share with people you love the items that connect you with the things you love and the memories that remind you of why you love them. Somedays Dreamers has cemented itself as something that I love and that much has not changed. I took a look back at a few anime 3x3 images over the past few years which were intended to demonstrate my taste in anime at any given time. Those images and that taste has evolved a lot but I feel like it has shifted gradually over time into what it is now. Through practice or in this case experiencing new stories I can learn more about what types of stories I want to experience in the future. Somedays Dreamers has been a constant for years now in those 3x3s even when it may have been an outlier. But its always been an outlier to me. As something that blessed me purely by chance and that captured all the precious feelings inside my heart. This is a series with just 1328 people on this platform having completed it. Its a gem and if you allow it the chance to do so Im sure it will heal your heart. Its a very sweet and unabashedly special anime that I think is worth your time so long as you are comfortable with its very slow and calming pace. I hope more can discover this series because it deserves to be seen and enjoyed by many more than its reached thus far. Come discover the things precious to our fledgling mage.
100 /100
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