To give a little background: I LOVE Tokusatsu media especially ones before Kamen Rider Saber. I think every single one of them are great especially the Kamen Rider ones ZeroOne being my favorite after Ive heard that an actual Kamen Rider anime was going to be released which is this one I was pumped and excited for it in fact this is the first anime that got me into anime in general
Underrated and Underwatched are terms thats being tossed on every single thing Tokusatsurelated and this loosely applies to this anime too as I was also a big advocate for Kamen Rider W
there are some spoilers
To start lets look at the animation: 20
Every single part of this anime looks decent at worst at best? very accurate to the source material that being Kamen Rider W the suit designs just look AMAZING and clean.
It pays homage to the source material A LOT the Rider Kicks the forms the sounds weapons and everything
the new Dopants are also very creepy intimidating to look at too.
Now the characters are what that surprised me: 20
The old Shotaro Phillip Ryu and Akiko have kept their old personalities and the show makes them feel very fresh to see only this time is funnier Shotaro and Phillip have pretty nice chemistry that doesnt feel too different from its predecessor
The new Yukiji and Tokime are also quite cool Tokime in particular is a pocket of fanservice that actually contributes to the plot quite heavily while Yukiji has a good villain introduction.
One small complaint I have is that i wish they used the old cast in Kamen Rider W for the voice acting for Shotaro Phillip and Akiko that is nevertheless the new ones are good.
For the story: 20
It expands on the current Kamen Rider W lore while also not retconning anything every new plot point being added serves a purpose and i love that they used the old assets from Kamen Rider W Gaia Memories as an example to make them feel fresh
Shadow Fuuto is also brilliantly told dark and bleak with a lot of depth inside
This show in general follows the same kind of path as a typical Tokusatsu its a Monsteroftheweek approach and it kept the theme the original had.
Overall If you liked Kamen Rider W you will certainly like this.
Although I liked the story its highly recommended to see Kamen Rider W first and maybe even the movies too THEN watch this because this anime was made as a sequel not a standalone project so you might not understand everything.