I want to start off by saying that Piece absolutely blew my socks off. While some of the events may fall into the realm of melodrama it is the reactions these characters have in response to these events that makes this manga so special. It doesnt feel forced at all each action taken is one I fully believe a real person would make both the good and the bad. I appreciate how Piece doesnt cut any corners instead it lays all bare and leaves its characters to pick up the pieces. Alright lets get into to why I love it so much. 220https://i.ur.com/0L5BeYG.png Everything you need to understand about this manga can be found in the title. Its quite an elegant straightforward yet effective visual metaphor pieces of the overarching mystery but also of the broken people within it pieces of the human heart and soul. It finds a balances right on the sweet spot between thematic depth and accessibility and I just love that. Piece quite literally is a story about uncovering the past about understanding where why and how things came to be as they are. While the majority of the narrative is about delving into the past Piece is sharply focused on the here and now on who these characters are at this moment in time. To quote one of the great philosophers of our time Master Oogway Yesterday is history Tomorrow is a mystery but Today is a gift. Its not about who you were in the past or who you may be in the future its about coming to terms with yourself in the present in spite of all the baggage and anxiety that you may carry. The problem is this is much easier said than done. If selfintrospection was easy this world would be a much different place. 180https://i.ur.com/vkrng3I.png 180https://i.ur.com/BqA4mwF.png So whats the answer? Of course the answer lies in others the people around us who influence us those we rely on. As they say no man is an island. Even still putting things into practice is a bit difficult. This is where Piece really left an impact on me. I relate hard to those I want to know Im scared to know I want to look away Im afraid to take step and step on a landmine feelings that Mizuho has throughout the manga. It masterfully captures how another person can worm their way into your mind causing you to look away by putting a label on them to avoid facing the invasive presence theyve become in your mind and yet no matter how much you try to deny it you still want to know. 220https://i.ur.com/rkmZwu3.jpg Looking truly looking at others and yourself might be the most painful thing you do. To get on your hands and knees dig for something anything to help you genuinely reach those you care about its going to hurt. Sure you may step on a landmine or make yourself and others uncomfortable for a time you may even feel as if youve been left by the wayside. But thats okay you cant be perfect all of a sudden. Your ripped up pride can be reconstructed slowly day by day you just need to gather up the pieces.
100 /100
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