550https://i.ur.com/DhYOS8v.png New season new wives but some things never change Tension is supposedly anyway the result of creating conflict in a story and no story is complete without at least some of it. There are of course numerous ways to execute these ideas and there is no singular triedandtrue method that applies to all stories. But In Another World with My Smartphone season two opts to try a daring experiment create a show in which any sense of tension is thrown out the window almost entirely where plots that have the capacity to shape the face of a nation are resolved within twentythree minutes at a time and the guy always gets the girl. Perhaps this could be thought of as the power fantasys final form having ascended to a new plane of transcendent understanding after six years of dormancy that our criticallyminded brains could never dream to comprehend. Or maybe its just woefully inept storytelling. Either or really. Truth be told Im not going to waste my time nor yours for that matter trying to convince you to try watching this franchise if you havent already done so. If its sense of stupidity built into the premise is not for you nothing the show offers will change that. Visually the show does not dazzle either in regards to its standard animation presentation or its effects. While it might have a good character design or two interjected somewhere theres not much to grab the eye which is to say nothing of its lackluster music that doesnt escape beyond the blas. 330https://i.ur.com/QQnBM40.png I cannot imagine the budget for this show was high nor that the shows animation producer Fujishiro Atsushi assigned J.C. Staffs best workers for second key animations or corrections. Every once in a great while we get a face like this As such this showand this season especiallyare a thing that one actively seeks out when you know precisely what it is youre getting into and do not care in the slightest about the faults within it that you acknowledge are right there in front of your eyes. In some realm of your animeviewing mind Touya inventing ice cream in this new fantasy world and breaking familiars by causing them to constantly trip and fall amused you. Yuminas enthusiasm at Touya having his own harem of wives the unusuallyhorny gynoid Francesca and boob jokes ruled the roost and had you chuckling more than youd ever care to publicly admit. The second season does not disappoint in this respect. Everything that made the first season tick or fall completely flat depending on who you ask is alive and well here. The series therefore offers no tension and as a result no illusions about offering surprises beyond dime store gags. When it seems like something will come along to provide a shock to the system or status quo by turning it upsidedown the anime snaps itself rightside up again licketysplit all without breaking a sweat. Theres something to be said for In Another World with My Smartphone delivering precisely what its audience wants even if it results in a product that could be called bythenumbers atbest and creatively bankrupt atworst. There is indeed a function for animes indulgences in junk food and much like the endless sea of snacks in a supermarket aisle everyone has the flavor that they flock to in order to get their fix. So when Touya spontaneously creates a public bathhouse in the span of about ten seconds finds out that theres a substantial request for yaoi fiction inuniverse or doesnt need to worry about jealousy because his future wives are so excited to add another to their group its a feature of the show rather than a bug. It is not aspiring to be anything more than an excuse to indulge in silliness for a halfhour every week. It will never enshrine itself in the annals of anime fantasy but if a third season is on the horizon Ill do exactly what I did with my friends happily answer any question about the shows paperthin lore like an eager fool enjoying my own gluttonousness while I get bewildered looks. Just remember one thing In Another World with My Smartphone got a second TV season while others like No Game No Life and Deadman Wonderland never got theirs. The industry has perhaps never pulled a funnier cosmic joke. 550https://i.ur.com/b8kPDB7.png
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