Originally posted on Letterboxd. May update in the future Street Fighter has certainly had plenty of different pieces of media out there which makes sense given how long the series has lasted over the years and how popular it has remained all the way to this day. Of course there have been comics TV shows toys and there have also been plenty of movies. These films have gotten quite an infamous reputation over the years but out of all them I have only seen one of them and I can probably safely assume that it is the best Street Fighter movie out of all of them. That movie would be Street Fighter II: The Animated Movie. When it comes to my personal experience with the Street Fighter series I have played through the first game regrettably as well as every single version of the second game also regrettably so I feel that I can give proper judgement to a movie which is directly based on Street Fighter II. It would be hard to match up to the quality of the original game given how it is considered one of the greatest not just in the fighting game genre but of all time so making an animated film that would be able to match the quality of the game would be no easy feat. Thankfully however they managed to accomplish in doing that and then some. This is a fantastic Street Fighter movie and probably without a doubt the best Street Fighter movie out there and while I wouldnt say that it is perfect I would still safely say that it is one of the greatest video games I have ever seen. The story isnt really focused on too much but instead moreso just seeing all of the characters going about their lives with a plot happening alongside it ultimately coming together in one final showdown which fits the source material we are dealing with here I think the animation is very well done the fight scenes are fantastic the voice acting fits each character really well and every character from Street Fighter II makes an appearance here. There are some problems with it I have such as the story switching around a lot to focus on Ryu sometimes then on Guile and ChunLi then on Ken and so on and so forth. Granted its not a terrible way to tell the story but sometimes the cuts and stories that were cut to felt strange in the moment. My other problem is that not every character from the game gets an equal amount of screen time but then again that is completely understandable given how many characters there are and how long this movie is. Nevertheless it is still a great film based on a great video game and its probably one of the best video game movies out there and trust me there arent that many out there.
95 /100
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