I remember when I first started Hinamatsuri was because of a girl I was interested in at the time. I watched like a few minutes of it on my own at first before meeting her I didnt really have much interest in it. But than I met her she was into a lot of different types of anime. We talked for a while and she gave me her list of anime she loved. And surprise surprise this was one of them. I decided to give it a second go and here we are I ended up buying all 19 volumes of the manga after finishing the TV series. I did not expect to fall in love with it even if her and I dont talk anymore Im glad that this year 2024 I finally received the final volume and finally open up the last volume and closed it as I finished the last chapter of a beautiful journey. Boy what a journey it was fill with many laughter and some tears along the way. https://i.ur.com/Y1ZBuah.jpeg The conclusion of the manga was rather satisfying though the last arc was probably not its strongest one. It still manages to leave you with a satisfying story of the value of family and friendship. Where we get to see each characters aftermath and where they are in life. And what makes this show shine is really base on its characters interaction with one another. And it does mainly focuses on five key characters with a lot of great supporting cast as well. Now if you watch the show only you probably wont think there are 5 key characters. Before I talk about the 5th key character technically the fifth character has a important role with 2 other characters. Lets talk about the show and the manga. As a fan of the show I absolutely love it In a way I feel like this is like Nichijou. And what do I mean by that? What makes them both better as the show compared to the manga is the unique animation style and the voice acting. It has unique style that makes the timing of the jokes land really well compared to the manga panel which is still funny at times but doesnt compared to the animation and voice over. So the manga will probably not be as great as the show but regardless I love it either way. With all that said lets just talk a little bit about what makes Hinamatsuri so great it is the characters. Who better to start off with than Hina herself. Going to use pictures from the show not the manga This lovable idiot if you want to see character growth or development dont expect much out of her lol... you give her credit for trying but as always she fails but in the end... she doesnt give up and thats what makes her so enduring. https://i.ur.com/MDMrQet.jpeg The pushover Hitomi... well she was in the beginning but eventually becoming one of the most stable character. I enjoyed her a lot more in the beginning compared to later on she was one of my first favorite character. Though I feel as the manga continue on she kind of got pushed more as a side character where she sets up plot more than anything else. But glad to see her growth from being a student in either Middle or High School and at night serving as a Bartender... kind of a while adventure... too eventually becoming a CEO and by the end... a Billionaire lol... so I guess in the end hard work paid off. https://i.ur.com/tNfQW3R.png Oh the amazing father hes become. Going from a gangster to accepting Hina as his own daughter even though we both know he wished Anzu was his daughter instead I dont blame the dude Anzu best girl. He is such a wonderful character really one of the best character of the show and often is a great character to set up a lot of jokes. He has some of the most funny moments and off course... my favorite one is the Terminator scene lol... Dont be fool by his caring side... he is still after all a gangster yakuza He can no longer go back. Hell dash through the greedsoaked night. Until the moment of his own demise. https://i.ur.com/PGjMG45.png Probably the most forgotten character if you only watch the show but in the manga she become one of my favorites. With her nonsense adventure she has some of the best moments. And its funny reading the authors note about how she is his favorite by the end and you can kind of see that. Mao became such a great character by the end from being a forgotten character to being one of the key characters. Mao is awesome nothing else to really say. https://i.ur.com/CLgS0a8.png AND LASTLY BEST GIRL ANZU https://i.ur.com/f9ONGB7.jpeg What can I say? She has the best character arc she has two amazing moments that made me cry so off course shes going to be my favorite. Just as she is adore by so many people in the manga/show I too am a fan of her. She is a most protect at all cost character. She started as this brat to becoming the sweetest character. With one of the most strangest arc from a kid from the future to a homeless girl to having a home to becoming her own boss... she has a crazy journey but its all about her connecting with everyone she meets and melting all our hearts with her lovable personality. Shes like one of those people you meet in real life and you hope they succeed. I love her character she is among my favorite of all time. https://i.ur.com/OOvJWNP.gif There are many other great characters I love from Nitta sister who has some of the funniest random moments. To the rock fusion and monk guy lol... there are so many side characters who had great moments. But in conclusion the heart and soul of this show is... the father and daughter duo. What makes this show so great is the bond between these two. What started out as a girl coming from the future... she was either going to be a savior or a destroyer... and by the grace of God she met the one person who can tame this monster. The bond between this two is silly at times but at the heart of it all we see how Nitta slowly opens up to accept Hina as his own daughter throughout the series. And as how it started with them it ends with them just enjoying a family time together. Im glad it didnt go some creepy romance route lol... but this is in the end just a wholesome show about the family you create... https://i.ur.com/CdhSes2.png https://i.ur.com/WLpuprH.png I did not expect my journey with Hinamatsuri to start with the show and end with the manga in 2024. I didnt want to read it online I wanted the hardcopy so I waited for the final print. And when I finally got it to the end reality hits you that this is really the end... after this there is nothing more. Part of me was sad to know that this is the end of the journey but boy what a journey it was. With its laughter and tears I am glad I picked up the show and continued with the manga. I will miss you Hinamatsuri... Oh btw fun fact its actually a Holiday in Japan. Thanks for reading have a wonderful day
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