I will admit I honestly am not sure what the main message of this anime is but if I was to guess this will be my take on it bare with me. When we think of fire there are many things that will come to our mind. One example is its destructive power that it has the ability to consume things in its wake. We know the destructive force of fire how when it is used wrong it does nothing but leaves a path of char behind. But when fire is used correctly it is used for cooking warmth and a light for us in the darkest time. Off course there is other use for fire but Im just here to state the obvious ones. Now if we look at fire that way it will make more sense of what this anime may be trying to portray. As we see in the final conversation between all the characters and who becomes the fire hunter we see fire being used in a few different context throughout the series. We see the destructive power of it how people were consumed by the fire. We see the fire that burns inside of people to do the things they do. And lastly we see the fire being passed from one generation to another from the god of the old world to the child of the future. To our main girl basically as the series started with her and ended its focus on her. The way I see the fire at the end is like one torch being handled over and saying now its your turn. As if we dont learn from our past mistake we are bound to repeat it again. Unless human learn from the mistake of the past and teach it to the future generation they will be bound to just repeat the mistake of history. We should invest in protecting those who are most precious and has the most chance to learn from our mistakes. As weve seen how they constantly just lead back to destruction but when the series first started a fire hunter gave his life up to protect the child who will eventually become the fire lord. If you ask me thats really comes into full circle there. So we can see how important it is to protect the next generation and lead them down the right path. Not to corrupt them with our ideology but teach them a better way. Sometimes many people force their ideas on the children thinking they know best but its best to guide the future generation to a better path. Learning from the mistakes weve made. There is so much more that I can take about the symbolism of fire but that too me is the one that stood out the most. That it is really a focus on the new future. What the future holds we dont know but we can only hope to build a better one than one of the past by learning from it. If we dont learn from our past we are bound to repeat it. If we dont initiate the boys they will burn the village down African Proverb Now to say is this anime great? It is a unique anime that will be a turn off for many people. I think part of it its to do with its confusing second half as compared to the first half that has some beautiful moments. Its one of those anime that relies more on its story telling than its animation. Does animation make a anime great? Not at all I can think of a few anime with great animation but I find so boring to watch... because the characters are shallow or the plot is just... action action action... This show isnt for many and its one thats hard to really grasp the meaning behind it unless we know what the author intention was. But from what I saw I personally enjoy it Im sure many will disagree with my score which its fine. I dont expect others to enjoy the same thing I did. Its not going to be one of the best of its season or one that is memorable but it was different and had its beautiful moments. Overall I enjoyed it for the message it was trying to convey or at least the way I saw it. There were some beautiful scenes and the art style was really unique. The characters werent great but they were at least interesting enough. What makes human so unique is the use of fire. With fire we can cook food and learn to do many things that animal cant. It can be used as a tool or a weapon...
80 /100
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