Contains spoilers Time is inevitable it can be both your greatest ally or your worst enemy depending on how you reflect on it. Similar to money it is also limited but the memories you spend with it are priceless. If you had all of the time in the world would you be wise enough not to waste it? Frieren has recently become one of if not my favorite high medieval fantasy story of all time. It achieves a perfect balance of slice of life and actionadventure along with amazing character writing reflective dialogue meaningful themes immersive worldbuilding a unique take on magic as a power system a crisp artstyle fitting for the show breathtaking animation and a transcendent OST. 220 Story 10/10 The whole gist of Frieren is that shes a mage who spent a decade as a member of the Hero Party who were responsible for slaying the Demon King and restoring peace to the world. As decades pass her comrade begin to succumb to the passage of time and prompting her to regret not taking the time to truly know them. Later on she takes Fern as her apprentice who was previously under the care of Heiter before his death. Together they embark on a journey filled with side missions with no clear overarching goal. Later in the story Eisen encourages Frieren seek out Aureole a land where souls rest in the Northern Lands which was previously inhabited by the Demon King. The rest of the story becomes a series of side missions slowly leading towards the discovery of Aureole. 220 Frieren is unlike a lot of fantasy stories where the characters themselves are the main focus instead of one huge goal or obstacle to overcome. Theres no ambitious goal like becoming King of the Pirates or becoming Hokage theres no big obstacle to overcome like titans threatening to end the human race. Even though her main goal is to reach Aureole a land where souls rest she doesnt lose anything if she fails and can simply go on about her day without ever reaching that place. The purpose of this journey is to allow her to have a full understanding of human emotion and to retrace her steps through an adventure with Fern and Stark hopefully Sein comes back. Its like going to Disneyland with your family as a child and years later doing the same thing with your friends or romantic partner. And its by reliving these adventures that Frieren slowly understands her feelings towards Himmel the importance of being remembered and how lucky she was to have met the people in her life. Since the story isnt plotdriven it often relies on characters motivations growth personality wisdom and memories flashbacks as the narratives driving force. 220 The anime uses a lot of flashbacks and by a lot I mean nearly every episode but I think this is one of the few anime that does it right. Flashbacks in this show are used to enhance the message the episode is trying to convey info about a character thats relevant to the events of the episode and connect events from the past to the present giving it a sort of parallelism between the Hero Party and Ferns Day Care Center. In fact a large number of my favorite scenes are from these flashbacks most notably: Himmel giving Frieren the ring of eternal love Serie reminiscing Flammes childhood Frieren using the flower spell for Himmel Himmel being a fake hero Starks brother being a true warrior etc wow most of these involve Himmel lol. Unlike other shows where flashbacks sometimes feel redundant due to them being used as filler time in an episode every Frieren flashback adds something new to the table and adds a layer of depth into the characters and lore. 220 Another element I love is how often the series can completely subvert your expectations while still adhering to the most logical reasons within the context of its world and characters. Frieren is like a box of chocolatesyou never know what youre gonna get and it would taste just right. Characters 10/10 220 Frierens character writing is probably the biggest reason why Ive grown so attached to this series. Nearly every named character brings something and have their own distinct personalities yet these traits dont define their entire character. Unlike many other works that attempt to make characters complex by revealing hidden depths Frierens characters feel genuine and multidimensional from the start. They dont feel like archetypes that beat that one trait to death. The series showcases its characters through their actions and interactions with others rather than keeping them mysterious until a major traumatic event is revealed. By presenting the characters personalities upfront the story achieves a sense of genuineness allowing us to view these characters as real people rather than mere devices to keep things interesting. 220 Frieren: The titular character of the series Frierens an elf whos lived through centuries upon centuries of human history. She was part of a village that was slaughtered by demons where the great mage Flamme took her under her wing. Centuries later she meets the Hero Party where she spends a grand 10 years on a journey to ah you get the point. What makes Frieren so special compared to every other human is her perception of time. Due to the short lifespan of humans compared to hers spending time with them seems fruitless if theyre just going to die in only a few decades. That is until Himmels death made her regret not spending enough time with a human that had a significant impact on her. Its this impact Himmel had on her that motivates her to understand humans more with her new party. The experiences from the past pays off as she slowly learns about what Himmels words and her own feelings really meant and applies them in the present. Additionally shes probably the best example of how to create an overpowered main character. Sure she can solve most problems but she always gives Fern and Stark opportunities to shine in order for them to grow like what a good mentor would do. Shes incredibly powerful but she still has weaknesses or faults that her party members help balance out. In fact she has lost plenty of times to both humans and demons in the past. At first you may think shes a typical kuudere where shes devoid of all emotions but finish episode 1 and you can see shes perfectly capable of expressing empathy and grief. In fact I feel shes ironically the most expressive member of her new party. Lastly I want to point out that some of Frierens behaviors initially seem odd like learning a spell that creates sour grapes an obsession for collecting grimoires or having her favorite spell to grow a field of flowers. However all these traits are linked to a previous memories she holds dear such as the grapes spell is her way of remembering Eisen grimoires being the last remnants of Flammes existence and the field of flowers both linked to Flammes own favorite spell and the reason why she met Himmel in the first place. 220 Himmel: Probably the most important human in Frierens life besides Flamme Himmels both the hero in the story and to Frieren herself. Himmel is a bit of a narcissist that thinks incredibly high of himself but is compassionate towards others. Himmel honestly has the best dialogue so far and is one of the main driving factors behind the shows themes. Its crazy that hes one of the most popular characters in the entire show even overshadowing some of the main cast and hes only ever featured in flashbacks. The fact that even though he never pulled the sword out of the stone yet decided to defeat the Demon King as a fake hero just shows how much of a real hero he really was. The title isnt given to you it is earned. I also love how one of his motivators is to be remembered in history even if its more a minor action which is a selfish wish but a goal people should strive for. Another thing I love about him is that the main reason he left behind statues of himself is so that in the future Frieren wouldnt be alone cries. 220 Fern + Stark: Fern is a war orphan who was adopted by Heiter and later became an apprentice of Frieren. She is a skilled mage who started training from a very young age and was motivated to assure Heiter that she can survive in this world on her own. Ferns presence gives Frieren a sense of urgency whenever theyre stuck in a town for long period of time and acts as Frierens mother sometimes. She retains a calm mature manner unless you anger her long enough until she starts pouting My favorite aspect of her is how she represents the Era of Humanity arriving when she helped defeat the Frieren clone and passed Series test. Stark is a warrior whose village was attacked by demons and was under the care of Eisen where he trained him to become a strong fighter. However they get into an argument which prompted Eisen to hit Stark leaving him the scar on his face prompting Stark to leave him. Starks best representation is during his debut episode where he thought how the dragon leaving the village was just a farce his training in the ravine says otherwise. When they do fight the dragon Frieren couldve easily helped defeat it but gave Stark 30 seconds because thats all he really needed to defeat it proving it was just his lack of confidence holding him back. Also: 220 Worldbuilding 9.5/10 Frierens world itself isnt entirely new to the fantasy genre. Elves dwarves demons dragons theyre all creatures that exist in thousands of other stories. What makes it standout is how the world learns from the present and evolves for the future. Quals is a good example where Zoltraak was a deadly spell that terrorized humans for years but after a century has become basic magic after being researched to death. This parallels to the real world where diseases like polio were once deadly but has now become obsolete due to the creation of vaccines. 220 The Era of Humanity is another element I love where an age of dwarves demons and elves will eventually come to an end and humans are poised to hold the reigns of the future. This progress of humanity mirrors how we waste no time in advancing due to our limited lifespans which is why despite elves gaining the gift of longevity dont use that gift to its full potential due to the lack of urgency to do so why Serie looks down on Frieren. I feel theres still more this world has to offer and I will be awaiting that aspect in season 2. 220 Frierens magic system is one where power levels or numbers dont determine the outcome of a battle. Situations and matchups are what really determine the outcomes in battle as best shown in the mage exam arc where a thirdclass mage like Ubel was able to defeat Serie simply because the matchup is entirely onesided. Due to the nature of magic only limited by what the user can visualize how a mage thinks is another determining factor. Directing animation 10/10 Sound 10/10 220 220 I would like to give my flowers to Madhouse for crafting this visual masterpiece. The art style they chose is so fitting for setting the tone of the story giving it a medieval aesthetic. Many of the landscape shots are so breathtaking that they could easily be used as wallpapers. The world feels vibrant yet maintains a serene feeling throughout. Whats remarkable is how the backgrounds change depending on the season adding to the immersive experience. Even small movements like grass hair and even clothing are animated like its real cloth making the scenes feel incredibly alive. Seriously who on earth took the time to animate Fern sitting on a stool at 60+ fps? 220 220 220 220 SHES SUMMONING BLACKHOLES. HOLY SHIT NOW THEYRE THROWING GALAXIES AT EACH OTHER. Madhouse please come back for season 2...Edit: THEYRE SO BACK Can I just say Evan Calls OSTs are some of the best in the industry. Although I still think Hiroyuki Sawano as the GOAT composer if someone said Evan Call was better than him I wouldnt complain. The soundtrack brings immense emotional value to the hard hitting moments. It has a combination of celtic tunes for serene moments orchestral crescendos for emotional highs and crashing operatic sounds for fight scenes. Moreover the selection of the right OST at the right time is executed incredibly well further elevating the impact of each scene. Just goes to show how the execution of a story often proves to be more important than the quality of the writing itself. Its what separates a good show from a masterpiece. Halfway through the review I realized Ive been yapping a lot. If you read all of this all I can say is a erm why...nah seriously youre a real one. This is my first review so its most likely a whole bunch of yapping and hopefully I can improve in my writing in the future but yeah Id just like to thank this series for being a huge part of my anime viewing experience and having an impact in my life by making me reflect how I spend time with the people around me. Its themes are universally applicable for any stage in life youre in and if theres any anime I could recommend that dont exhibit all the bad tropes that give anime a bad rep this would be one of them. Favorite quotes: Theres nothing wrong with being a fake hero. Ill defeat the Demon King and bring peace to the world. Then it wont matter if Im fake or not. Even if heaven doesnt exist I believe it should...because its more convenient that way. Edit: Man even long after writing this lengthy review it feels like I havent said everything I wanted to say yet. No other series has ever made me feel this way... Story: 10/10 Characters: 10/10 Worldbuilding: 9.5/10 Animation: 10/10 Music: 10/10 Overall: 100/100
100 /100
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