Currently Im on a mission to watch all Digimon seasons and so far Ive had basically nothing but good experiences with them. Appmon was eehhhh but the first half was great Frontier and 01 were really fun 02 is one of the best shows Ive watched in my life and Ghost Game might be my favorite anime period. But notice that I said basically there this is because theres one exception to this one gigantic exception: Tamers Tamers is terrible I dont know how else to put it every time I try to find something good about the show I remember another 50 things it did wrong it has a lot of ideas but none of them are good and even the good ones are executed poorly I want to believe most Tamers fans are more fans of the idea of Tamers than Tamers itself because I just cannot understand how this season is THE Digimon season. So let me try to ennumerate my problems with it The nature of monsters as data and completely forgetting what your point about that was One thing that Digimon has on and off tried to take advantage of is the existential horror that comes with being a Digimon after all Digital Monsters are just data does data have a soul? If it can be recreated and copied just like that or just created like with Guilmon interesting plot line which was never addressed again what value does that give to digital life? These are all question Tamers constantly asks but never once dwells into or tries to find an answer to this and many other issues with Tamers can be attributed to... Tinfoil hat ADHD Konaka is a writer that works best at tying up an ending Big O or when he doesnt have enough time to rant GR: Giant Robo when given too much time like with Tamers he just cannot focus for a second. Tamers sometimes tries to dwell on the nature of digimon oh but now we gotta focus on the crazy conspiracies of Digimon CIA oh but wait now the Digital gods are fighting us but wait no uhhh the Dreaper awoke wait but now we gotta uhhh uhhhh and so on and so forth. I cant even say it has an identity problem because you could make all these ideas work if you actually tied them up together instead of trying to juggle them and fumbling now instead of a few ideas strung together or 1 really good idea you got 10 barely developed barely important ideas which I cant be interested in because you gave me no reason to you got all the bricks but you forgot the concrete. Hey speaking of too many idea... No time to relax no time to care Theres a lot of things about Tamers I WANTED to like but I couldnt because I was constantly worried that they werent gonna be important or they were gonna be a fakeout or were never brought up again. The biggest example is those few moments where the show becomes a kid and his monster theyre really cute and great and I think Tamers would have MASSIVELY benefitted from just focusing on the small things like that a bit more Slice of Life and filler are the life essence of any show without them its impossible to care about anything since you never get a chance to wind down besides its kinda hard to relax and just enjoy Guilmon do his thing when the show constantly hints at the Digimon being in a neverending natural selection battle royale or that Guilmon will disappear because he was created out of thin air or etc it just feels like the show is constantly baiting or constantly waiting for you to lower your guard and once that feeling sets in then Im already surrendered and waiting for the punch. Thankfully but mostly insultingly this never happens as Tamers gets distracted by a butterfly fluttering nearby Computers dont work like that So much of Tamers is dedicated to talking about how the Digimon came to be about the computer revolution the internet the Dreaper etc etc. Big problem tho: Everything Tamers says is complete deranged technobabble. It feels like Konaka was way too afraid to touch a computer to actually learn how they worked before working on Tamers and just guessed and if he was right on anything it was by complete coincidence you need to be behind 20 layers of subtext to even make sense of the Dreaper. But in the end this is just a minor complaint what I think is by FAR the biggest problem of the show is... Top 10 Worst Juri Torture Porns Ill mostly be talking about Juri but rest assured no one in this fucking anime is treated right. I cant name a thing the main characters did let alone the secondaries that goth girl showed up just to sacrifice her digimon for a power up the little fuckling with the evolution symbol on his head was there too and Impmon is just a discount Blackwargreymon. But Juri and by extension Leomon are almost insulting in how bad they are Leomon shows up and does nothing he interacts with Juri a few times just to build and excuse of a character dynamic and die. Leomons sudden death which was anyways spoiled by the episode card is the catalyst for Tamers big villain moment from this point on Juri is nothing more than an object a tool to look creepy and move the Dreaper from here to there. Tamers just picked a character by roulette and went yup make her suffer Im not sure how else to articulate this as I was already sick of the show by the time this became a thing but I can assure you that while watching the show I couldnt stop thinking about how shitty this character in particular was treated In conclusion Just go watch Giant Robo 2007 same writer a lot shorter has the same appeal as Tamers does not waste your time and actually feels like its trying to make a point instead of juggling 30. Whoever told you 02 was the bad season lied to you
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