Originally Reviewed on Serializd Hey look another random very short anime series that I found and also randomly binged one day. Never expected to see that from me did ya? This is an OVA that was released back in 2009 that only consists of 4 episodes and just like with Glasses Girlfriends it is somewhat of an anthology series with each episode focusing on one sole character and the struggle they are going through while also crossing paths with some of the other characters every now and then. From the name I had somewhat of an idea of what I could be getting out of this but then when I did actually sit down to watch the series myself that idea was completely shattered getting something somewhat completely different. Despite that though I did ultimately end up liking what I got with me enjoying the simple yet entertaining stories that we got from these episodes..... with an exception here or there. The stories are pretty simple as to be expected when the episodes are only 15 minutes long but they ended up being pretty enjoyable for the most part while also cutting out most of the bullshit and leaving us with plenty of exciting parts of it to enjoy instead the characters are enjoyable each one being distinct and unique from each other in some way and some having quirks and personalities I was able to get behind a lot more then others such as with Badou the voice acting is good with you being able to tell that the people behind this were putting some amount of effort into it even if I cant tell that much since it is all in Japanese the animation is decent with it being what you would expect from a show like this around this time but it is still nice enough to look at minus the error or two I was able to spot and when the series wants to pull out an action scene it manages to be entertaining enough and when it wants to be funny it surprisingly works... well most of the time anyway. Out of the four episodes we got my favorite of the bunch is without a doubt the second one Gun Smoker just because of how fucking stupid it is. It is essentially just one giant Looney Tunes cartoon filled with sex and LOTS of guns with zany music to go along with everything that is happening and of course Badou steals the show the entire time. He is without a doubt my favorite character just because of how stupid and erratic he acts all the time along with how insane he gets when he doesnt smoke for a certain time all culminating to a hilarious scene near the end of the episode. However not all of the episodes were perfect to me which can be seen with the third episode Blue Maiden which focuses on the female character of the main group Naoto who at one point in the episode ends up getting sexually assaulted and almost raped by someone and you can probably tell why I dont really like this at all. Now thats not to say I will immediately hate anything that has this kind of plot element in it because like with anything there is a right and wrong way to go about something like this and this episode clearly takes the wrong way. There is no healing for Naoto she doesnt end up killing the guy that did it and it all just feels like it was put in there for the sake of Japan doing their Japan thing. Not to mention Im pretty sure shes supposed to be 14 during this part and uh......... yeah not really helping your case there Japan. Overall despite that one moment that makes it so that I dont wanna watch that episode ever again the rest of the show was still good enough to where I was having an enjoyable time with it what with short yet substantial action scenes very entertaining characters and small amounts of world building that do make me wanna learn more about this world despite the fact that this series was never fully adapted past the beginning parts. I would recommend it for fans of the original manga as well as those who just need something quick to binge through because aside from that one problematic moment I mentioned earlier it is a very entertaining watch that will leave you glad that you checked it out by the end. Again though it is just a damn shame that the rest of the manga was never fully adapted because from what I researched it looks like it gets pretty interesting from there on out. Oh well..... maybe some day....... or possibly never.........
70 /100
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