This review is spoilerfree. 120276120320 120320120302120321120310120320120307120326120310120315120308 120302120320 120302 120307120310120315120306 120303120302120315120318120322120306120321... Fantasy as a genre has become something of a crutch over the years. What was once a banquet of ingenuity and a feast for the imagination full of wonder magic and otherwordly creatures has now become nothing more than a shadow of its former self. Too many stories barely nibble around the edges of the genres potential and serve the exact same old reheated and lukewarm concepts to the viewers over and over again. However it is not all doom and gloom. Even though the number of bland monotonous and cookiecutter products labelling themselves as fantastical is constantly growing there is still hope for the genre. This is precisely where Dungeon Meshi comes into play as it repeatedly demonstrates how much flavour the fantasy genre has within its insides and how delicious its content can be if you give it enough attention care and time. Though on the surface the show seems like your average runofthemill isekaiesque mishmash of ingredients with no interesting tricks or twists up its sleeves we quickly realise that is not the case here. There is much more to it beneath its unassuming appearance and rough texture. 700 It is the very foundation of the anime that is its most delectable feature by far. Dungeon Meshi does not shy away from its Tolkieninspired roots DD backdrop and RPG framework. Instead it displays them proudly like a chef boasting a Michelin star However rather than relying on the wornout wellknown and morethanobvious tropes and concepts to do the trick without doing anything noteworthy it thinks outside the lunchbox in a delightfully fresh and spicy manner. You see when it comes to other stories they very rarely dive deeper into the depths of these ancient monsterriddled monuments. Typically these places are merely used as grounds for scavaging loot from bygone civilisations exterminating monsters or exploring for the thrill of itnothing more. Sure we might get a taste of their backstory learning how they came to be and what they were in the past but this is often done in a shallow sterilised and undercooked way. Dungeons are just dungeons as simple as that one might say. But is that really all there is to them? I do not think so. Even the dullest and dreariest of ruins can be transformed into magical compelling strongholds filled with exciting mysteries vibrant corridors and bountiful surroundings that will punch you in the gut and leave you hungry for more. So how does Dungeon Meshi dish up the secrets of these ancient labyrinths? That is quite simple really: by having its protagonists chow down on the monsters they slay along the way Yes that is the entire premise of the series. It might sound silly gimmicky even but it is surprisingly not just that. We are not merely supplied with 20 or so episodes of nonstop monster munching with nothing of substance sandwiched in between. As unique as it sounds the premise alone would not make the anime this entertaining endearing and enchanting. Thankfully the mere act of slaying monsters and transforming their bodies into gourmet dishes is just the appetiser. There is a whole lot more on the menu. The secret sauce of the show is its mouthwatering ability to breathe life into its setting. The dungeon comes across as a living breathing entity with its own set of layers rules and qualities. Every floor is a different course that offers a unique taste and consistency distinct from the previous one and you can easily tell how much thought and attention to detail went into every single brick plant and decoration within these walls. Whenever the characters reach a new layer of the dungeon they are greeted with a completely unique climate atmosphere and vegetation. Early on they wander through cosy welcoming and rather unassuming environments that seem harmless at first glance. For instance one of the initial levels is entirely comprised of trees and natureinspired enemiesit is kind of like an easytomake latenight snack designed to ease you into the whole process of preparing food. Although it is still part of the dangerous dungeon and should not be underestimated the way it looks does not instil a sense of danger within us just yet. In a way we can tell we are merely stuffing our faces with an easily digestible lunch waiting for the main course to burst onto the scene and spice things up. And that is precisely what transpires next. As we venture deeper the dungeon becomes colder more uninviting and increasingly hazardous. One level is dominated by bodies of water full of aquatic enemies that force the protagonists to cook up creative solutions to deal with these obstacles. There is a castle level packed with haunted paintings treasure monsters and moving armour where even a single piece of furniture could be a trap waiting to bite. Then there is a gigantic ghost town oozing with eerieness and uneasiness. There is even a level completely covered in snow and ice which illustrates the concept of the everchanging difficulty and harshness of the dungeons layout perfectly. But it is not just the dungeons multilayered structure that made me fall in love with it. Many smaller elements add even more flavour to it making it feel much more livedin. For example there are plenty of spots created for the adventurers to rest restock and reorganise their loot. In a place bustling with people of different kinds it only makes sense they would set up campgrounds to better prepare themselves for the lower levels or trade with others for food money or equipment. It is small and insignificant yes but it is tough not to appreciate such features. To put it more metaphorically the variety of tasty environments and the delicate additives sprinkled on top are so rich and unique that it is hard not to salivate over them like some kind of glutton. Additionally every nook and cranny of the dungeon is home to inhabitants who are as different as apples and oranges. Monster A lives only on Level X Monster B is found exclusively on Level Y and Monster C only roams the depths of Level Zthis simple concept creates a habitat that feels selfsustaining selfdeveloping and harmoniously cohesive. While a lot of tales toss the fiercest monsters into the lower levels of their respective dungeons they rarely chew on the consequences of these creatures presence. In Dungeon Meshi the absence of a smaller fry leads to a shortage of mediumsized monsters which might force the bigger beasts to venture into other parts of the dungeons in search of food. I wholeheartedly adore this detail because it subtly and intriguingly mirrors reallife food chains and represents how an organic animal kingdom operates. When a predator notices its usual prey is scarce it expands its hunting grounds in search of other means of nutrition. It is as logical as it is satisfying and I am all for it. All of this makes the dungeons ecosystem seem tangible and realistic without doing anything out of the ordinary. Yes in a vacuum these elements might not seem that impressive but if you take a step back and look at the entire picture you will swiftly realise that without them the dungeonthe star of this cooking showlike narrativewould be a rather uninteresting drab and boring location. But hey a fantastic foundation like this is only a part of what makes this series as fullbodied as it is. So what about the plot? What is simmering beneath the wacky premise? Well like I mentioned earlier eating monsters and exploring the dungeon are just parts of the storyline. In a way they are the ingredients of the animes body that put it on the map and set it apart from the competition. To be honest the plot starts off rather slowly like a pot warming up on a low flame. We get to know the characters understand the situation they are in learn about their goals and see how they plan to tackle them. The episodes go by and they tend to follow the same formula of exploring slaying and cooking with some variations in the actual plot progression. Nevertheless this somewhat playful facade melts away and the show begins serving us genuinely impactful contentboth emotionally and conceptually. Suddenly we are not just watching a dungeon cooking show but a thrilling quest to uncover the mysteries surrounding the place its creators and what can be done to keep it in check. Plus there is also the mission to save one of the main characters companions from the grisly fate they suffered at the hands of a red dragon This shift in tone may catch some off guard and be a bit jarring to others but in my eyes it is crucial to the storys impact. These moments of heightened seriousness and intensity not only allow the viewers to savour the setting and the various concepts that populate it in a slightly different richer coating but also add much more gravitas to everything that occurs on the screen. There are genuine stakes at hand and a more concrete goal in sight. While yes Dungeon Meshi contains a few pet peeves of mine like healing and resurrection magic they are not as disruptive and detrimental to the experience as they initially may seem as there is a lot more nuance to the whole magic system. Healing actually hurts and being brought back from the dead has its own set of consequences and drawbacks that depend on a plethora of circumstances. Overall the show swiftly finds its emotional footing and it quickly engrosses you in the story it aims to tell. It balances lighthearted charm with darker more serious moments in a way that is quite sensational and sparkling. However I feel like the series plot would not work as well as it does if the characters did not carry it on their backs the same way skilled chefs are able to bring out the best in their kitchen team. Laios Marcille Chilchuck and Senshi each bring something unique to the table and are fullyfleshed individuals with their own quirks easily distinguishable personalities backstories and motivations. While they may start off as a walkingtalking collection of tropes or gimmicky characteristics as time goes on Dungeon Meshi makes sure that they all get their moments to shine and develop into authentic and relatable people. Very quickly the characters stop being just a bunch of loveable meatheads and become flesh and blood. Watching them grow not only as individuals but also as friends is nothing short of charming and their everevolving camaraderie bonds and dependency on one another is extremely touching to witness. You quickly become attached to them cheerfully following their antics appreciating their squeakyclean chemistry and feeling like you are a part of this familylike group of flawed people who care greatly about each other. It is that warmth that really pulls you in and does not let go. Much like a hearty campfire and a homey meal that relaxes your body after a challenging trek these seemingly mundane characters and their everyday antics are what truly make this feel so cosy comfy and comforting. They are what makes Delicious in Dungeon really delicious. Naturally a great narrative deserves to have only topshelf production values at its disposal and Dungeon Meshis visuals and soundtrack definitely fit those criteria. When it comes to the various tracks that inhabit the scenes they fulfil their role rather well. Sure there might not be any standout songs in my eyes but none of them are illfitting or distracting either. The opening themes are slow sweet and deliberate which perfectly embodies the sense of friendliness companionship and love the cast of characters radiates with. On the flip side the endings are either cheerful and celebratory the first half or sombre melancholic and oddly nostalgic the second half setting the mood just right. Lastly the various insert songs we hear over the course of the shows run give off a strong fantasy vibe that really nails the tone at every turn. Overall the soundtrack is sweet inoffensive and does its job quite nicely. On the other hand the visuals are where all the juices are and they could not be better. The colour palette is downright gorgeous with a myriad of vibrant warm soft and almost pastellike hues that immediately and effortlessly immerse you in the vast glamorous world of magic monsters and meals. The same applies to the art style. Though it may seem quite mismatched or generic at first it uses its straightforward fascinating lines and designs to produce some genuinely striking imagery. The background art is gorgeous to look at and every single centimetre of the dungeons structure oozes with personality and life. The monsters designs are compelling and eyecatching the various locations spread throughout the dungeon are full of this majestic adventurous atmosphere and the character designs are instantly recognisable and memorable. Of course the animation is what ties all of it together and it is genuinely competent on all fronts. It is fluid and expressive to such a degree that even the most mundane and actiondeprived scenes are somehow a treat to watch. Additionally the camera work is wonderfully dynamic whenever a situation calls for it the editing does not allow for even a second of boredom to appear and the lightning further enhances the ambience of the eerie dungeon. All in all each component of the visuals comes together to produce some truly amazing screenshotworthy shots and scenes and they make the already comforting experience that much more worthwhile and exceptional. 700 That was a mouthful but I hope my ramblings at least sparked your interest in the show or allowed you to look at it with a fresh perspective in mind. There is a lot to love and admire about Dungeon Meshi. Certainly it is not perfect but the elements that are praiseworthy amazing and entertaining fire on all burners thus providing us with a hearty helping of whimsical heartwarming and nutritious content. You can feel with every fibre of your being that it is made with love and passion and not churned out like yet another massproduced slop. In a nutshell Dungeon Meshi is a genuinely sweet and charming surprise I did not expect to like to such a degree. From the phenomenal worldbuilding seen in the dungeons layout ecosystem and foodchain to the joyful wholesome and endearing relationships and interactions between the characters this series time and time proves that confidence is key and even the most unassuming of textures can reveal a wonderful flavour when you are willing to dig in. It is a tasty experience and you should have a bite as well. Bon Appetit ...120302120315120305 120302120320 120304120316120314120307120316120319120321120310120315120308 120302120320 120302 120324120302120319120314 120303120313120302120315120312120306120321.
84 /100
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