Spriggan is a strange series. I quite enjoyed the 2022 ONA in fact Id even call it a good anime. However I thought the manga was just decent aka fine. Why? Let me explain. What made Spriggan good to me was the great music fluid animation and good use of cgi as well as solid voice acting. These aspects alone were enough to make it a good anime for that. The story while passable was never anything to write home about. Story: Theres some politics and other countries get involved but it all boils down to MC fights other powerful people and flexes on them. Basically hundreds of years ago some ancient civilization ruled Earth and left behind artifacts/relics. Generations later organizations are on a large treasure hunt to try and retrieve these long lost relics. However a corporation ARCAM is using advanced machines to prevent these 3rd parties from destroying everything around them in the process. They use Spriggans which are advanced agents who have special training and abilities. And our MC Yu is one of them. Youve probably heard other series sound very similar to this. Any ring a bell? Thats right. This is basically manga Indiana Jones but less fun and with more politics. While not absolutely terrible the story leaves a lot to be desired as it does not engage the reader whatsoever. Score: 5/10 Characters: A lot of what I said in the story section could be applied to the characters section. The vast majority of the cast are uninteresting unappealing bland and overall boring. Our main character Yu has about as much personality as cardboard. He is no different from your typical action manga MC and the running gag with him is that hes not sure if hes able to graduate because he skips 80 of days at school while trying to save the world spoilers: he ends up graduating anyways because of course he fucking would. Aside from him the supporting cast is pretty weak. Oboro was a character that existed and Jean had some sort of appeal but I didnt find myself getting attached to any of them. The best character in the series is probably Yoshino but she suffers from a lack of focus/shine. If she had more relevance Spriggan could have been elevated and been an overall better manga. Score: 5/10 Art: By far the best part of the manga. Spriggan has good detailed art. The background art is nicely drawn and the fights are fluid and clean. You can feel every blow being exchanged and the characters facial expression are well emphasized through this. I still prefer the anime fights but the manga has good fights too and overall I was pleasantly surprised with the quality of the artwork. Score: 7/10 Overall if youre looking for a decent action manga with some politics you can try this one out If youre not interested in that you can skip this one and you wont really be missing anything as there are a lot of better manga out there. If youre not sure whether to watch or read spriggan my advice is to watch the 2022 ONA as its faster and has more to offer IMO.
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