After two seasons and 46 episodes Urusei Yatsura has finally come to a conclusion. And I can confidently say it was an enjoyable time with the show. And I feel you can really tell this is a show based on a much older source material with it being a 1970/1980s manga and anime. I have never watched or read the original source material for this show with it honestly almost being too old for me to go back to at this point. Just seems to be from a era so far from what Im used to that it is difficult to go back to. But that feeling also leads to this show being different from what I expect from a modern show. Ive always heard that Ataru is original tsundere character though breaking with the trope as I know it. Being a male tsundere instead of female really goes outside the norm for me. And that follows with the various other cast members they dont always fit into the trope as Im used to. Almost predating some of the tropes it is hard to place them. Which really does help change the tone of the show this might look like a new show but doesnt feel like it. And with that the animation and visual style of the show is really good. You get a very colorful and energetic feeling show. There is nothing muted or boring about these episodes and events that happen in each. Just never doesnt look good and that gives it extra points in my book. Than I have to mention loving the ED and OPs from the show and 2 seasons. They were all great with many of them ending up on my Spotify to listen to in the future. But by the final episodes as the show was wrapping up I did feel like it let me down somewhat. In a final arc that felt a good tad rushed and I dont think the ending is all that satisfying. The main conflict is started by a random character and event we havent heard anything about until it happens. And when it is all wrapped up we have just so many open plot threads and character growth yet to happen. There is a massive cast of characters and yet none of them get a good conclusion when this show ends. With their stories seemingly stuck in limbo while the main story between Ataru and Lum gets some progress but nothing overly major really. Maybe things are different in the original manga/show or maybe the various movies and OVA/ONAs changed things up more years ago. Or maybe Im just not a massive fan of older stories that might end in this way. But by the end of the show Im left feeling like there is so much potential left in this show that Im not seeing used because it is now over. Despite that I did enjoy this show so much I cant help but recommend it fully to somebody to watch. Even if you havent watched/read the original content like I havent I think there is still a lot to love with this show and characters.
70 /100
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