Originally Reviewed on Serializd Yabba dadda doo no intro this time cause I cant think of an anecdote right now ITS OPUS COLORS EVERYONE I had never heard of this show before researching it a while back and since it was one of the only anime that wasnt listed on Letterboxd seriously they have a million of those over there like what the fu I figured I would go ahead and give it a shot. It didnt look like anything too exciting or interesting from the poster but as they say you should never judge a book by its cover but instead you should judge a painting by its contents so I dived into the contents of this painting here and what I found was a piece of art that was.... wholly uninspired. While I wouldnt say this show was bad by any means it is extremely generic not really having that many unique elements to it to make it stand out even from outside of the world of anime and while there were definitely some good moments here or there I was left bored through most of the whole thing. The stories is extremely generic with them starting off by tackling one aspect of these kinds of show that felt generic and uninspired but by the end of the show they completely switch over to another aspect of these kinds of shows that feel generic and uninspired which only made it somewhat less boring and predictable the characters were whatever with all of them blending together not just in terms of designs but also in terms of personalities as well and aside from Kazuya Kyo and Jun none of the other characters stood out as interesting or that likable the sub was fine getting across everything it needed to but there were plenty of grammatical errors to be seen which did become more distracting the more they popped up the animation is ok with it getting the job done and being generic as heck not going out of its way to be anything too special with one exception that I will get to in a bit and it ends off exactly as you would expect it to end with it being sweet and heartwarming so I will give it that at least. As I have made perfectly clear already most of what you will find from this anime is very generic and lazy for any kind of TV show really but there were one or two elements that I did end up really liking. First and foremost throughout the show Kazuya the main character has this ability where he can... I dunno see the art he looks at in a different way and whenever he uses this ability it changes to a complete different animation style with a wholeass song thrown over it. These are the best parts of the show for me because not only is the animation in these segments so much better then the one the rest of the show has but they also have oodles of imagination and personality making me wanna see some of these visions turned into actual shows in this exact style. And speaking of the art that is one other thing I liked about this show which was the concept of Perception Art. This is the main element this entire show is themed around where it is a new kind of art form that is presented with these VR headsets where you can not only see and admire it all around you but it has advanced to the point where you can even feel and smell it as well. This is already a pretty neat concept and the other elements surrounding this art form and how it works in this world was also really interesting and it made me want to see more of it in action. Unfortunately though this is also where my main issues of the show come in. For one thing the show gets sidetracked WAY too often in terms of the storyline. It is clear that they didnt have enough material to focus on for the entire 12 episode length so we will have episodes that will be vaguely themed around the main story but will instead mostly focus on random side characters and whatever they are doing while also helping out with their problems. I dont mind this approach to storytelling per se but the problem is that not only is everything else around these plotlines SO much more interesting in comparison none of the other characters they do focus on are that interesting themselves whatsoever making it so that I would just sit there and hope that they would move back to the main conflict as soon as possible. Which speaking of the main conflict itself is also generic as hell where you can pretty much guess exactly what happened with Kazuya and his conflict early on and whenever you do reach the point where it shows what happens it is effective but it wouldve been so much better if it was foreshadowed more effectively. Overall despite some very interesting concepts and some really cool moments here or there this show was mainly just a generic bore from start to finish one that was fine enough to watch but one that also doesnt offer anything too fun engaging or outside of the norm for me to ever consider memorable or impactful in the slightest. I would recommend it for those who are HUGE anime fanatics especially for these kinds of anime but for everyone else there is nothing here worth seeing so you are better off just skipping it. Besides it reminds me of how we dont have Perception Art in real life and that is just sad. Yeah we got VR but you cant feel or taste VR........... at least not yet.
50 /100
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