English is my second language there may be errors in my grammar.. I try to make a spoilerfree review however in the section opinion might have some spoilers. General experience Final score. My personal score is based in 5 star system so I tried to put an accurate number here but isnt always the case. Locate Brief Conclusion + Recommendation section where the main points are summarized. Experience with Boukyaku Battery I The battery formed by the ironarmed pitcher and the commander catcher an indestructible pair that seemed destined for a promising future in high school. However their trajectory was abruptly altered when Kaname Kei the catcher suffered amnesia becoming an amateur player actually a dork to get know. On the other hand the players left heartbroken by the loss of the unbeatable duo decided to distance themselves from baseball by attending a high school without a baseball team. Contrary to their expectations they found themselves at the same high school. Reviving the anger and deception from the past they now realized that their reason for hating baseball was absent due to Kanames amnesia. Could they from scratch create something new despite their own struggles? O I must say that for me Boukyaku Battery is a hidden gem of the spring 2024 season. Its a story where youth and sports are the main themes at least thats what it seems like at first. However early on you encounter a lot of gangs parodies and elements that might not be funny for everyone. This initial impression could lead some to lose faith in the title and abandon it. Fortunately I found it quite appealing and decided to go with the flow only to discover that the story might be more serious than expected when it needs to be. The main characters are quite interesting. Kaname the amnesiac version of him that doesnt reach the commanders feet his past self he is both hilarious and ridiculous a doubleedged sword because its hard to know how to handle him. As an amateur hes not into baseball which is a big contrast to the rest of the characters who have deep backstories and reasons to continue playing. However they also have strong reasons to give up baseball considering that Kaname and Kiyomine the pitcher formed a battery that shattered many dreams in high school. Now these players find themselves in the ironic situation of being pushed to pursue their dreams again. The series composition plays a crucial role in the contrast of the storys tone. You can feel that its another slice of life mixed with comedy tsukkomi fueled by Yamada a character who seems to be a narrator but brings a lot of life to the situation. Then you find the characters on that burning side of playing baseball trying to overcome their fears in a step towards growth as a team. The staff does a great job portraying that type of moment. Along with the work of the voice actors/seiyuu which adds a big plus to the portrayal of the characters youll find their performances incredibly lively and easy to understand their emotions. 500https://64.media.tumblr.com/5a6ec71edb9fe7b792824017d8855695/c0972989d6c929fa1f/s540x810/349f5e0d89afb3298c39d4c3cfc38b59b9a2eebb.gifv 500https://64.media.tumblr.com/1d559a4c048fba9dac1f5970dd29438f/c0972989d6c929fa71/s540x810/9d170d5d4741aa0e5f9a5baa3d2973c4ead750eb.gifv The anime has moments that are fresh and moving to watch along with a soundtrack is memorable. As you get drawn into the story you start to enjoy each moment. Most of the time the drawing is consistent and the movement in the playing scenes is wellportrayed. You can feel the weight of hitting the ball. In the last episode you witness the characters growth and how Kanames comedic aspect might be a result of holding back from the freedom he desires. 500https://64.media.tumblr.com/014ea992b4b4715b782479f0e7bed88a/f35f6c92d7c8b49281/s540x810/5cc91f8b7a8397ff9f0369b6331f39d46633eaed.gifv Cs + R Open the curtain to a youthful and ironic sports anime and youll find yourself wondering if this is a serious story about high school students wanting to play baseball or is it simply a parody of the game itself? Well perhaps its a blend of both aspects a story that flips between absolute comedy and earnest sports. With a beautiful scenery and a diverse visual style youll enjoy your time with this story and its characters. It has a memorable opening theme that represents the start of a memorable journey and an ending theme that serves as a reminder of everything youve experienced. I recommend this anime to anyone who doesnt typically enjoy serious sports anime because little by little youll understand the charm of seeing 2D sports. The difference here is that youll chuckle a lot and vibe with the jokes. In the end give it a shot and you might find yourself laughing along with the characters and rooting for them to succeed. I hope it gets a second season. 500https://ur.com/L8fyMsq.png s s ss
85 /100
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