Awful Title Fantastic Anime Sentai Daishikkaku or Go Go Loser Rangers is an anime created by a relatively unknown studio based on a relatively unknown manga about a relatively niche premise. The basic concept is that after a great war between Monsters and Humans the humans came out on top They killed the leaders of the Monsters or the Boss Monsters / Executive Monsters and stopped them from their dastardly plan for world domination. Alls well that ends well right? Except they didnt stop there. The leaders of the human army the Rangers want a little more for their hard work. So what do they turn to? Slavery. They force the remaining Monsters if they can even be called that into coming down every week for a staged battle where they would beat them for the audiences amusement. And how can they achieve that? Because 1 the Monsters or Fighters are pathetic little creatures who have the strength of a 1HP pokemon and 2. The Rangers have Divine Artifacts which can kill the otherwise permanentlyregenerating Fighters for good. Thats enough background because the show truly begins with one monster Fighter D racking up enough annoyance and resentment to stage a resistance. He fights he tricks and he charms his way towards his goal: Crushing the 5 Rangers. The premise is interesting enough at that and a very refreshing concept in a Shonen genre so oversaturated with Exorcism and OverlyBenevolent protagonists. However the premise grows and expands in ways much grander than I initially anticipated. I went into this anime with very low expectations and having finished it I can genuinely say it is one of the best I have ever watched. Production Quality Ive not seen anything else by Yostars Studios and honestly that gave me very little hope. But GOD DAMN did they pour their heart and soul into this project. Ive heard quite a few complaints that the animation quality went downhill as the season progressed so I was fearing something like GANGSTA but I cant see where those complaints come from. The fights are gorgeous with flowing animation and a fantastic artstyle. The character designs are dripping with charisma the music is engaging and really goes all in for some of the hype moments and I would be amiss not to mention the fantastic opening and ending tracks. The ending even features a dance sequence which is apparently paying homage to the Tonkatsu genre which I have never seen and damn are they good. Much more importantly though Story and Characters The plot and especially the characters of Go Go Loser Ranger are absolutely magnificent. Its hard to get into just how and why the story immerses you as much as it does but I think the easiest way of explaining it is that the characters feel realistic and interesting. Every significant character has an interesting backstory when/if revealed believable and often unique motivations and most critically agency. Characters will act in ways that you the viewer will not expect. They will surprise you regularly whether for the better or for the worse. I havent gotten so shocked and happy and shocked and disappointed at the actions of anime characters in years. In comparison to the vast majority of anime these people are not 100 good or 100 bad. The cast are multifaceted from the major characters like Fighter D and Blue Ranger to the smaller characters like Hibiki Suzukiri Fighter XX and Ishikawa. The protagonist Fighter D is especially interesting. If I had to criticise the show for one thing it would be how stupid the protagonist is in the first 3 episodes. Although I enjoyed them Fighter D might make some of the stupidest decisions Ive seen on screen in a long time. Although it can be explained by his lack of awareness about the world it is still inexcusably irritating. However I would encourage anyone offput by that to keep watching because he becomes a LOT smarter and more strategic as the series progresses. With the exception of one moment in the final episode Fighter D uses mind games and strategy like hes been ripped right out of World Trigger. Suzukiri and Hibiki are also stand out characters to look forward to although they unfortunately did not get as much screen time in the later episodes as I wouldve liked. Its a shame but I suspect we will get much more of them next season. I would like to address another criticism of the show which is the Bad pacing and Bad Tournament Arc. I heavily disagree with both of these. As the anime aired it got quite a few complaints from source readers about skipping material especially in episode 4 but most of the important stuff was covered in episode 5 regardless and this seemed to be a pattern Yes things were skipped but for an animeonly viewer 90 of it being missing did not detract from the experience. Regardless if you are ever confused by how things happened in certain fight scenes Id suggest looking up the cut content. The only case I think this is worthwhile would be in episodes 4/5 though. The tournament arc complaints are insane to me because that was easily one of the highlights of the show To borrow someone elses words it flips between episodes of pure dialogue and episodes of pure action seamlessly and with both being equally amazing. Finally the villains. The main villain Red Ranger is pretty similar to Homelander from The Boys and is just as much of a treat to watch onscreen. I found him a much more compelling villain than the other main antagonist of the season Lord Petrolta an Executive Monster however both were interesting and unique enough in their own rights to be enjoyable. Conclusion I am shocked and appalled by both the low score and low popularity of this show. I suspect the awful name choice designed to parody Power Rangers was a reason for the lack of popularity so Id recommend anyone reading this to mentally rename the show to Ranger Reject its unofficial fan title. If youre looking for a Shonen that feels fresh different and immersive I would heavily recommend you check out Ranger Reject. It has amazing multidimensional characters an intriguing storyline rife with plot twists and stunning wellthought out strategybased fights. Enjoyment: 10/10 Writing: 9/10 Total score: 95
95 /100
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