Originally Reviewed on Serializd I may not be the biggest diehard fan of the series but from what I have experienced from it I can say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the Scott Pilgrim franchise. I never did read the original graphic novels which I do need to fix at some point whenever I feel like reading again but I did watch the liveaction movie which was almost perfect in every single way that it was executed and I also played the video game which while I wouldnt say it was a masterpiece or anything it felt like the perfect video game for this property and one that you could have a wonderful time with with friends. After those two things though Im pretty sure most of the world including me never thought that we would see this series ever come back in some way which was perfectly fine with me seeing as we had pretty much everything we wanted right here..... however nothing truly stays dead forever does it? For 13 years after everything with the series wrapped up Scott Pilgrim and his pals would be making a comeback within a new Netflix miniseries known as Scott Pilgrim Takes Off. Even almost a year later this still feels unreal to me. Its an animated series for Scott Pilgrim that not only managed to get the original creator and movie director on board to make it but it also brought back EVERYBODY from the liveaction movie to reprise their roles once again? It sounds like a hardcore fans wet dream and yet it actually became a reality and much like everyone else I was so excited for this thing to come out especially after seeing the trailer. However I never did end up watching it when it came out so I have now fixed that problem over half a year later and.......... THIS WAS ABSOLUTELY AMAZING OH MY GOD I wouldnt say it is perfect for both obvious reasons and ones that are not so clear but damn does it ever come so close to being it for me because not only does it serve as a visual marvel that had me smiling from ear to ear the whole time but it managed to subvert expectations in a way that actually managed to tell a new compelling tale in this universe that I was all for. The story is quite different from your typical Scott Pilgrim adaptation where instead of following the usual defeat the 7 exes and get the girl plot this time Scott ends up losing and the show primarily focuses on everything afterwards following Ramona as she tries to get Scott back which is definitely a direction I was not expecting this series to go in and one that I imagine would put a lot of fans off but I was able to get onboard with it very quickly and I managed to have a lot of fun seeing this story play out as a result the characters are all mostly the same as before with all the characters mostly retaining their same personalities each being very likable to watch onscreen and even for the characters that do change things up in some way they still manage to carry the same familiarity and charm that draws me to them anyway while also still feeling like themselves in these changes the voice acting is great with everyone fitting back into their roles wonderfully even if some instances of line delivery and voice direction can seem a tad off for whatever is going on at that time the animation is AMAZING being incredibly colorful stylistic full of personality and taking full advantage of its source material with plenty of the things that they do with it making for one of the most beautiful animated TV shows I have ever seen possibly in my entire life the action is fantastic being not as abundant as other adaptations but still being just as fun energetic and exciting as always making these scenes an absolute joy to watch and the humor is also pretty great too where not all of the jokes managed to get a laugh out of me but a lot of them did either have me smiling chuckling or laughing pretty hard which added to the amount of enjoyment I had already felt all the way throughout. If I could rate this thing a 5 out of 5 I would do it in a heartbeat but unfortunetly there was one minor issue that I had with this show and that would be that some of the episodes werent quite as good as others. Dont get me wrong most of the episodes in this show were absolutely incredible there is no denying that but much like a lot of these miniseries there were also one or two episodes that did feel like filler as if the creators and writers of the show were trying to stretch things out to reach that 8episode count before they got to the real juicy bits of the show. Thankfully though this is barely an issue with a lot of the episodes as most of them manage to contribute to the plot in some major way while also still being very fun and visually entrancing to watch. If I had to describe this series in some way I would say that its kinda like when you are a kid and you have this group of friends that you loved to hang out with but then life goes on you all go your separate ways but then you all decide to meet up again to catch up on old times and you find that so much about them has changed over the years but they are still the buddies you know all the same. That is what Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is to me. It feels like I had a lot of fun watching the movie and the video game sort of forgot about the series for a long time but now it has come back to visit bringing a whole new style and attitude with it while also seeming just like its old self in many ways. I know kind of a lot to say about a property I havent even checked out the source material for yet but it is what I feel and thats just the way it is. Overall despite some episodes here or there that couldve been chopped down to where we wouldnt lose anything from them Scott Pilgrim Takes Off is an absolutely phenomenal new entry in this long dormant franchise breathing new life into the series by taking it in a direction nobody saw coming while also bringing along wonderful animation a great cast great characters and great humor right along with it which I managed to have an absolute blast with from start to finish. I would absolutely recommend it not just for those who loved the Scott Pilgrim graphic novels movie or video game but also for those who have never even checked out anything about Scott Pilgrim before because while this is definitely much different from the rest of the franchise it will definitely get you interested in it in one way or another or at least give you a good time while it lasts. Im just glad that I finally managed to check the series out after so long..... although dont think I didnt see that cliffhanger at the end of the series there show. I dont know if you are planning on making another one of these or not but Im just saying right now if you do...... DONT. FUCK. IT. UP.
95 /100
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